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After the death of her father, Maya Kumashiro is appointed headmistress of Waldstein Academy to take over the job that he once held. The only thing is that Waldstein Academy is a school dedicated to the study of the occult... which she despises. She reluctantly assumes her role as the headmistress and also a student with the intention to destroy the school by superseding her fathers position. However, when she is visited by a time travelling agent that warns her of a forthcoming apocalypse, she puts her plans on hold until she can prevent the events as foretold in the Nostradamus Prophecy. Maybe Maya doesn't hate the occult all that much.
Reviewer: Endosanity
Number of episodes watched: 13
The first thing I noticed is that when Occult Academy started, it didn't try very hard to capture my attention. In the first episode you're introduced to a very irritable Maya attending her fathers funeral. Although it's evident she doesn't want to be there, Occult Academy decides to kick things off by having a his final audio recording accidentally summon a demon that possess him and his dead body rises, floats around, and starts causing chaos all over the school. Now, doesn't this sound a little familiar at all? Evil Dead anyone? While some may think that this is an homage to some old school horror, to me it shows a lack of originality and ultimately... it's kind of stupid. Although this is the event that starts to being Maya back into the world of the occult, what follows in later episodes is even less eventful.
Now, bringing in a time traveller, named Bunmei, that forewarns the destruction of Earth in the future was sort of a saving grace in the earlier episodes. But Occult Academy does practically nothing with this angle on the story. Instead, this anime just keeps screwing around with having Maya and Bunmei fighting all these lesser, and not very interesting, creatures like an over-sized moth or goblins. Occult Academy goes along with this 'monster-of-the-week' presentation with each episode ending with Bunmei saying that they didn't find the Nostradamus Key which is rumored to be able to save Earth from it's impending doom. Stringing you along from episode to episode you'll realize, nothing is happening and as a matter of fact what you watch has very little to do with being related to the occult. It's not until the tenth episode where any plot Occult Academy has begins to show itself in the form of a witch that wants to kill Maya, detroy the Academy, and take over the world. Everything up to this point is just fluff and could barely hold my attention and it all concludes with an ending that can only be described as beyond stupid that will have you asking yourself, "What in the hell was that all about"?
The animation itself diverges from the classic style we are all used to and the characters are presented well with no stone unturned, even Bunmei's mysterious past is brought full circle. And sure, Maya is smokin' hot, but that's just not enough to go on with Occult Academy as this anime can't tell a decent story for the supernatural genre it wants to fit into. Instead, it holds about as many surprises as someone putting a sheet over their head in an attempt to look like a ghost and saying "Boo"! If you decide not to watch this anime you won't be missing much with this turd.
Occult Academy (opening)
Recommendation: |Very Low|
From: Crunchyroll
Media type: Internet streaming
Languages: Japanese
Subtitles: English
Watch it for free at Crunchroll: Occult Academy
27 year old Koshiro Saeki has just broken up with his girlfriend but he doesn't seem to be overly depressed about it. As a matter of fact it seems to have put him into an emotional hardshell that he has no intention of breaking out of. While exiting from his usual train ride to work he notices a young girl that has dropped her train pass and before she gets away he is able to catch her and returns it. She introduces herself as Nanoka and Koshiro starts to find himself strangely intrigued with her. Later that day he sees Nanoka again when he leaves work and decides to give her a pair of amusement park tickets that he received as a gift that he's been trying to give away all day. Nanoka accepts on the terms that he goes with her, with nothing better to do Koshiro agrees and what started as a simple way to kill time now has become a date as Koshiro has no problems talking with Nanoka and she tells him everything about her life. When leaving the park Koshiro meets up with his father whom he is moving in with after his recent break up and his father is relieved to see Koshiro has already been introduced to his lost sister... the 15 year old Nanoka who is standing right next to him that he just spent most of his day with.
Reviewer: Endosanity
Number of episodes watched: 13
After Koshiro moves back in with his father and sister, you can pretty much guess what happens after reading the synopsis. The thing with Koi Kaze is that it's a bit different here as no matter how attracted he finds himself being toward his 15 year old sister he keeps fighting a losing battle using any means necessary from locking himself in his room, working massive overtime, ignoring Nanoka, even being verbally abusive to her.
However, Nanoka constantly pushes the issues of always wanting to be around him and do anything to make him smile, even breaking down and flat out saying she's in love with him... this 27 year old Frankenstein looking man that happens to be her brother. With most of the show you won't know whether to be creeped out by this in general or to have Koshiro quit being a brute and accept Nanoka... even though she is his younger sister. In the end I did find myself hoping that everything worked out for Nanoka even though it was sort of hard to get past the fact that her older brother looked like a reformed Swamp Thing.
Koi Kaze has some dated looking animation but it's also unique at the same time because it puts Koshiro and Nanoka in their own little world where you'll find yourself focusing on them and everything else is bleak and uninteresting. Even though you'll find yourself instantly attached to Nanoka you'll find your hatred continue to grow for Koshiro through the episodes and then he will try to redeem himself with the audience towards the end which by that time is almost too late. I liked this type of characterization as it's what carries the series and doesn't rely on a strong plot and it works out overall. I recommend this series not for only for it's story but for the way it makes you question your own method of thinking throughout the series. It's a drama, it's about incest, it's about incest involving a 15 (turned 16 through the course of the show) year old girl whose only source of happiness is her 27 year old brother, if you can get past that... it really is a good show.
Koi Kaze (AMV)
Recommendation: |Above Average|
Media type: DVD
From: Geneon Entertainment
Languages: English;Japanese
Subtitles: English
"You talkin' ta me?"
Joey is your average all American kid. Having to move in with his grandmother after his parents died, Joey spends his most of his free time working and trying to save up for a technologically advances toy robot called Heybo but he knows he'll never be able to afford it with his meager wage. Luckily though Joey happens upon one of the school bullies throwing a Heybo away after it was struck by a car. Not about to let this chance pass him by, Joey takes the broken down toy robot home and repairs it naming it Heroman. The same night that Joey finally gets Heroman the robot fixed there is also a huge thunderstorm that causes a bolt of lightening to hit Joey's house, go through the roof, and strike Heroman. But instead of turning the little guy into a pile of ashes, the lightening changes Heroman into a real robot and imbues him with a multitude of superpowers that Joey now has the controller for. What Joey didn't know is that the massive storm going on was caused by aliens that are about to invade Earth. It's time for Joey and Heroman to step up and become real heros.
Reviewer: Endosanity
Number of episodes watched: 26
Y'know, I was really grasping for words to try an make a synopsis a show where every episode goes a little something like this:
Heroman... ATTACK!!
To be continued...
That's all there is to it. But, let's try take a look at the show a little more in depth. Heroman is the production of Bones animation studio and Marvel Comics' Stan Lee calling it "A new hero for the 21st century" Really? I'm not so sure that a robot that looks like the Michelin Man on steroids is the ideal icon to fit the bill, especially when he's controlled by some kid that you mistake for a girl in the first half of the season. Also, using something like a bolt of lightening to change a toy into a huge robot is far too heavily cliched and just plain cheesy. It's almost like Stan Lee was out of ideas and gave Heroman his powers by picking random options out of a hat.
Other than Heroman's brief and crappy background, the surrounding story isn't all that bad as Heroman kicks off the series with a bang. The first part of the story you get to see is Earth's invasion from hostile alien's summoned by Professor Denton's curiosity of life on other planets. Sending out radio signals into space that attracts the unwanted visitors (looks like somebody's been watching Jimmy Neutron) called the Skrugg which look like a bunch of walking cockroaches. You get to see the humans pathetic attempts to stop the invaders prove to be frivolous but Joey puts Heroman to the test and attacks with superhuman strength and otherworldly power to suppress the hostile insectoids. The thing that makes Heroman a little different is that he doesn't say anything, no lame-ass catch phrases and no holier-than-thou attitude displayed from his controller, Joey... which makes for a damn good team. And even though Joey looks like a shy little girl at first, he starts maturing... character-wise, through the actions that he chooses to have Heroman act upon. That, and the episode where him and Lina go to the beach resolves and doubt I had about Joey's gender.
Luckily, Heroman doesn't focus it's story on having Heroman and Joey destroying aliens but manages to work in other opposing forces such as mad scientists and the government. This is done through subtle plot twists that are set in motion from the very beginning of the show instead of having monster A from planet B just show up and attack in every episode. So, when you think everything has been resolved you realize that a new story is taking place which makes for well paced progression. The only main drawback is Joey's companions as they present themselves as more of a hinderance and their flat and dull screen presence leaves them unnoticable except for Lina and her school cheerleader outfit that she wears... all the time. You can't ignore legs like that!
All in all Heroman is a predictable superhero tale that even follows the usual story progression going from new hero on the block to exiled war veteran and finishing up with being everyone's savior. This is one of the few times where the story itself is on par with the main characters both good and evil and neither overshadows the other. In the end, you can't deny the fact that Heroman has it's own charm and it's still worth checking out.
Heroman (opening)
Recommendation: |Average|From: Crunchyroll
Media type: Internet streaming
Languages: Japanese
Subtitles: English
On the post apocalyptic world of Jerra, Geist, a genetically engineered soldier of death has had his stasis satellite crashland planetside. Geist is part of a project called the Most Dangerous Soldier designed to tip the scales in favor of the Regular Army who is in battle against the rebels of the Nexrum Army in an ongoing civil war. However, the project is a failure and all of the Most Dangerous soldiers became mentally unstable and went on psychotic killing sprees. All of the soldiers were eliminated save for Geist who was far too powerful and was subdued into a space prison. Now Geist is back and ready for the next battle.
Reviewer: Endosanity
Number of episodes watched: 2
Since there is not much to say about these OVAs I'll just cover them in one review. M.D. Geist is a sci-fi action flick, pure and simple. As a matter of fact, the show focuses on action so much that it's hard to pick apart what little plot there is other than watching a show that gives Geist a chance to don cool looking armor and strike poses while avoiding bullets without moving. This is your typical 80's macho man action movie so there really is no characterization or much of a plot other than watching Geist killing anyone in his way being an emotionally devoid machine of death. Geist's quest to constantly be in battle even leads him to accelerate the annihilation of mankind. This is one show that has not aged very well and it's 80's animation doesn't help and what may have been cool back then comes across as extremely cheesy these days. The sequel, Death Force, that was released 10 years later doesn't do much to change the formula with the mindset that the audience wanted more of the same but that prediction couldn't be further from the truth and plays out worse than the original. The only thing I can really give credit to is the fact that this movie uses a psycho as it's protagonist which isn't something that's done regularly but you'll still loathe the guy while watching him destroy mankind. The English track wasn't that bad but I find this hard to recommend as it's presentation is extremely dated that can't even hold onto it's nostalgic roots.
M.D. Geist: Merciless Soldier (AMV)
Recommendation: |Low|
*Note - The license for this was once held by Central Park Media then ADV films but both are now defunct so no media info.
Momo is a shinigami, a god of death leading deceased souls to "the other side". But, unlike other shinigami, she is drabbed in white and tries to ease the suffering of everyone relating to someones death whether they are living or already dead. Such as, conveying messages from the dead to the living. As Momo is helping those in their transition into the afterlife though she can't help but cry in the process because those that are already dead can no longer weep for themselves. With her familiar Daniel, a winged black cat, this is her story of how the god girl of death emotionally affected several people during the end of the journey we call life.
Reviewer: Endosanity
Number of episodes watched: 6
Shinigami no Ballad has a very interesting premise for a series. But, the downside is, that it plays out very slow and very boring for most of the series. Oddly enough, the emotional impact that it boasts falls short in it's delivery which will leave you feeling not overly involved with each person's transition to life after death nor anyone involved with the situation. It doesn't help that Momo, although cute, seems to hold herself at a distance from the audience making her screen presence rather weak and her plight to help those she is involved with rather disjointed and unable to garnish the any real feeling from the viewer. You'll notice that Momo also helps those who are destined for a premature death to remain in the realm of the living but this doesn't provide any additional sustenance to the overall story and what you're left with is an excruciatingly slow paced anime that's practically sleep inducing.
This anime has a whole lot of nothing to offer to the viewer with it's shallow drama and lax characters. While you're watching, you'll feel as if Shinigami no Ballad just didn't even want to achieve it's main goal of gaining the audiences sympathy towards the characters but instead blatantly bores you instead. The animation is decent enough but there is absolutely nothing to back it up and most who will decide to watch this anyway will more than likely lose interest and give up after the first episode making it hard to recommend. Sometimes an anime can have too much of a relaxed atmosphere to it.
Sinigami no Ballad (opening)
Recommendation: |Below Average|
What we start with is your typical drama/romance anime where Haruka Suzumiya has a huge crush on Takayuki Narumi for the longest time. Being a brick-headed guy that he is, he never notices, so one of his outgoing friends Mitsuki Hayase decides that she's had enough of both ot their timidness and sets up a meeting up on a hill where Haruka and Takayuki meet but they have no idea that they've been tricked to see each other. When they see each other they realize that the whole thing was a set-up but Haruka takes a chance and flat out tells Takayuki she's in love with him and has been for the longest time. Surprised, Takayuki has no clue how to respond but agrees to date Haruka anyway and slowly realizes that he really does like being with her and drops the l-bomb on her too. On his way to visit Haruka for a date, Takayuki runs into Misuki and she mentions it's her birthday so being thankful for his setup between him and Haruka he takes a little bit of time to purchase her a gift making him late to his date (typical guy, eh?). Haruka gets worried about Takayuki's tardiness and decides to give him a call however as she steps into the phone booth to make a call the last thing she hears is the squealing of tires from a car that has lost control heading right towards her. Takayuki later learns that while she isn't dead but is in a coma that lasts for three years, Haruka awakens but doesn't realize the passing of time or the changes to peoples lives.
Reviewer: Endosanity
Number of episodes watched: 14
Drama, drama, drama, this series... this series really made me question the human psyche as I just couldn't understand how these four people could put up with each others emotional issues and the uncomfortable situations it puts them in. Now, the characterization itself was great and is presented to the viewer in a straight-forward manner letting you know everyone's stance on life in general and how each others relationship changed and developed over time while Haruka was in a coma. Takayuki goes into a depression after Haruka's accident and Mitsuki constantly stays with him and takes care of him, gives up her dream of becoming an Olympic swimmer then takes on a shit job while Takayuki spends his time wallowing in self-pity and doing nothing else... for over a year. I gotta ask... are people really this stupid? Are you really gonna give up your dream to support some bum that can't get off his own ass (for over a year!) and get a damn job instead of moping around? Seriously, who wants this much drama in their life? I couldn't answer these questions positively and it left me feeling disjointed and mocking the characters rather than understanding their disposition in life and love. I like anime drama but not so much that it show everyone's lack of common sense and that really pulled the series down separating the somewhat decent plot from the irrational characters.
Recommendation? The animation was good and the story was solid but placing a bunch of nonsensical people to play the part will more than likely just have you shaking your head and sighing so I'll say... no, if this sounds like a drama you'd sit through then you're far more understanding than I.
Rumbling Hearts (opening)
Recommendation: |Low|
Media type: DVD
From: FAILimation Undertainment
Languages: English;Japanese
Subtitles: English
Mai and Reo are two girls that love each other very much. But when Reo becomes ill and is bed-ridden, Mai visits her at home and decides to employ some sexual healing to bring her lover back to good health.
Reviewer: Endosanity
Number of episodes watched: 1
Did you really think there would be much of a synopsis for a one episode hentai anime? That's all there really is to it. This little anime basically shows two girls that undeniably love each other and how they express their feelings to each other before, during, and after sex. Now while this might sound boring or lame, I found it to be rather refreshing as not too many hentais (at least the ones I've seen) put this amount of heartfelt verbally expressive passion into it's character relations or sex scenes. The girls not only yell about what they feel when being touched, but also what feelings that they are holding toward each other in their heart while exerting their physical attraction towards each other. This presents some rather emotional muff-diving and melon-licking scenes filled with two good looking adorable girls making alot extremely cute moans and groans as they push each other to the point of ecstasy. This hentai does present a little back story on how Mai and Reo met and also exploits Reo's tsundere attitude alot because fight as she might, she can't stand being away from Mai for very long.
There's really no story here other than giving you a wonderful yuri themed anime with a few short but very passionate sex scenes. If you're a fan of yuri anime like I am, I would say give this show a watch because even though it is a hentai, it has a gentle presentation that shows you that it doesn't need to be hardcore to be erotic.
Recommendation: |fap-fap-fap-fap... oh, uh... High|
Okay, well not that extreme, but it did get your attention didn't it? Complex 69 (i.e. me) is looking for someone who wants to have their reviews added and spread the good word of anime. I've been flying solo for over two years so why now you ask? Well, there's alot of shows out there and I can't very well cover them all and also there are some popular anime series that I have no desire to watch (see Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood or anything with Gundam in the title) No real reason, I just don't feel like watching them. I don't care what you review, as long as it's anime and you don't lace it with corporate fanboyism. Hell, you can write reviews for hentai just as long as you use some common sense in choosing your words. All that's really required is that you have finished the series, so no reviews for ongoing series like Naruto, One Piece, Bleach, and of the like and no reviews for shows you dropped.
Think you're up for it? It can't hurt to give it a shot, you know you want to, and out of the 6 or 7 of you who visit one of you wants to join the review (skeleton) crew, right? You already know the review format so send me a shout out over at the Wildside Cinema forums or reply here, I don't care.
Or don't reply and I'll just delete this post in a few days and I'll keep traveling down that lonesome road myself. Later!

An alien race called the Cthulhu (yeah, you read it right) have been wandering the galaxy in search of a new home and have come across Earth. The show opens with the Cthulhu planning their first attack but they have realized that Iczer-1 has already made it to Earth before them and must destroy her in order to proceed with their plan. Iczer-1 is an android created to fight and destroy any who oppose the Cthulhu but has turned on her creators opposing any evil actions that they take. During her time on Earth Iczer One has found a partner to synchronize with named Nagisa Kano, when synchronized, Iczer-1 becomes extremely powerful and it also unlocks Iczer Robos, Iczer-1's giant mechanical robot, full potential when fighting together. But, after a brief encounter with Iczer-1, Nagisa is very reluctant to accept anything that is happening and won't help. Will Iczer-1 be able to convince Nagisa that she is the only who can help save the Earth from it's ultimate take over?
Reviewer: Endosanity
Number of episodes watched: 3
Hey everyone, grandpa Endo here again with... 'scuse me, "Hey... Hey you kids get off my lawn!!" ... damn whippersnappers... with an anime classic, Fight! Iczer One. Now, maybe it holds some nostalgia for me but that doesn't deny the fact that it's still tells a strong story with some great sci-fi elements. First, let's take a look at our heros that bring about the excellent story. Here we have Nagisa who is beyond annoying with her constant screaming but to offset her practically unwanted screen time is Iczer One, the beautiful heroine from space. Iczer-1 is a quiet and sort of shy superhero but she is determined that Nagisa is the chosen one to help her stop the invasion of Earth by the Cthulhu but Iczer-1 one also has other deep-rooted feelings toward Nagisa. Next, the enemies, the Cthulhu, are ruthless and quickly give a sense of hopelessness to the story while Iczer-1 and Nagisa try to save the Earth and whatever they do seems to be too little too late and even then more obstacles arise and therefore you'll be mentally standing alongside Iczer-1 as she attempts to overcome the odds against her. To make things worse, the Cthulhu employ the services of Iczer-1's sister, Iczer-2, (Yeah, not very inventive with the names but what are you gonna do?) and all of this explodes into a furious battle of strength and emotion. It's not very often an anime can demand respect from the audience for both the protagonist and the antagonist but Fight Iczer One does this in one magnificent feat.
Now even though the story itself is a little primitive, aliens attack and one hero defends the Earth, that it might not seem like much. But it's the characters, both good and evil, that present themselves so remarkably well that they help tell this fictional tale in such a manner that you'll be planted to your seat until the last credit has finished scrolling across the screen. This show is still outstanding even today with great action, grotesque enemy designs, creative characters, an engaging (although somewhat cliched) plot, an awesome 80's soundtrack, and yuri undertones that are quite heartfelt throughout, makes this mini-series worth checking out as the 3 measly episodes really are the perfect length for this anime.
Fight! Iczer One (AMV)
Recommendation: |Very High|
*Note - Here's something interesting, each of the 3 episodes contained were originally released roughly about 1 year apart from each other in Japan. Damn! The first two episodes end in such a cliff-hanger waiting an entire year to see what happens next.
*Note 2 - The license for this series has been lost and no one currently holds the rights so no media info.
Transferring to a new school is never any fun and and Eiko (A-ko) Magami and her friend Shiiko (C-ko) Kotobuki are about to be late on their first day of class. While talking about their transfer to Graviton High School, Eiko notices the time and realizes they are about to be late and without a moments notice she grabs Shiiko's hand and starts running... at speeds in access of 100mph... Luckily they make it to school on time and introduce themselves to the class but Shiiko's lively introduction only garnishes the attention of the most wealthy and powerful girl in school, Biko (B-ko) Daitokuji. Biko is immediately smitten with Shiiko's cuteness and becomes determined to make Shiiko her best friend doing what ever it takes even if it means removing Eiko, but Eiko's unexplained superhuman strength and powerful bond with Shiiko isn't about to let that happen. Although Eiko not only has to deal with Biko's constant attempts to claim Shiiko for herself but she also learns that Shiiko is also the lost princess of a race of transvestite cross-dressing aliens that also intend to kidnap her and bring her back to their home planet. Whoever thought true friendship could be this complicated?
Reviewer: Endosanity
Number of episodes watched: 1 (It's a movie)
Today, I've got the ultimate slice of life/comedy/action hit of the 80's, Project A-ko... and although it was released in 1986 it didn't see the local market until the late 90's. This movie set the standard of so many cliched plots still used today, such as... "she was a typical high school girl, but..." and the whole female sailor-suit school uniform wearing slice of life comedy routine was sort of initiated by this movie. Not only that, but this movie also parodies a multitude of classic anime flicks while providing a low level of comedic fanservice and panty shots now and then... and we're talking 1986 here people. To me, this movie set the standard for so many genres used to this day in the anime community, and I still enjoy watching it even today as it's hilarious in it's own way and the Japanese voice actors give a phenomenal performance and it's classic 80s soundtrack only works to the movies advantage. The character set here is nothing short of brilliant as these wonderful ladies are so different from each other yet offset each others screen presence perfectly with A-kos superhuman strength, B-kos determination of making C-ko her friend, and C-ko who is just plain annoying as hell, and Marie who only says a few lines but pulls off one the of most hilarious scenes in the entire movie. These girls give an amazing performance that catapult this movie to its iconic status that it still holds to this day. I also like the way this movie presents it's message of friendship while putting it with crazy over the top action, decent animation, and hilarious comedic routines, that still make me laugh every time I watch it.
Don't be put off by it's age, give it a try... you might actually like it. I understand how most will avoid a movie this old but it really was ahead of it's time and remains a staple for me. Rent it, buy it, hell... stream it! No matter how you watch Project A-ko, it's a true classic in every sense of the way.
Project A-ko (trailer)
Dance Away & Follow Your Dream (Project A-ko AMV)
Come Out and Play (Project A-ko AMV)
Recommendation: |High|
*Note - This movie has traded license holders so many times that I'm not gonna bother with the media info on this. It now currently belongs to some company called Discotek. As for me, I saw the U.S. Manga version on VHS. Y'know, those old gigantic video tape things... nevermind.
On his way to meet his sister in a new city, Hiro Hiyorimi notices a girl who is about to be crushed under some construction beams that have broken loose from the crane hauling them. Without thinking about his own safety he pushes her out of the way but is crushed by the steel beams himself resulting in his own death. But, before he takes his last breath, he sees the girl clad in gothic clothing standing above him asking herself why someone would do such a thing but replies that he is glad she is safe. However, the girl that he saved turns out to be the daughter of the king of all monsters and she is curious why Hiro sacrificed himself for her and decides to resurrect him with her power called The Flame of Immortality. She tells Hiro that he is now her servant and introduces herself as Hime and that his lifespan is only temporary and the flame must be renewed every few days or he will die permanently. Without much of a choice, Hiro humbly becomes Hime's new servant.
Reviewer: Endosanity
Number of episodes watched: 26
Every once in a while a show comes along that is, for lack of a better word, fun. You just enjoy the anime from beginning to end for no real apparent reason. It has nothing to do with some sort of complicated plot or in depth characterization or anything of the sort. No, you are watching it for one reason, it puts a smile on your face and you don't even realize it. Well, that anime is Princess Resurrection and that's exactly the state of mind I found myself in while watching this anime. Princess Resurrection follows the "monster of the week" formula where a new foe will appear and it's up to Hiro, Hime, and one of her other followers to eradicate it in one or two episodes. Along the way they do encounter some remarkably original foes along with some familiar monsters that bear a striking resemblance to the old Universal monsters from the old black and white films of ages past. Not only does this help give this anime it's own hint of individuality but also lets you know the it knows how to pay homage to some of films greatest monsters.
With all this going on, Princess Resurrection also manages to put every single plot device in the hands of one of the most bizarre cast of characters that I have encountered to date. Hime the princess of monsters, Riza Wildman the half-human half-werewolf woman, Flandre the small but incredibly strong and almost indestructible maid that only knows one word "Huga", just to name of few. This way, not only are you given an interesting tale but it also helps to put each one of this anime's characters into perspective with each other in the overall story of they are attached to Hime in some way. Another interesting thing to point out is that every episode that Hime is in she uses a different weapon of destruction to fight her opponents such as a chainsaw, axe, hammer, circular saw, flail, mace, pitchfork, baseball bat, trident, and so on watching poor Hiro trying to protect an already lethal force of destruction is just plain comical but somewhat endearing. Even though there are dimes that Hiro does prove himself worthy of being Hime's servant or should I say, guardian, at times that still doesn't hide the face that for a main character Hiro is pathetically worthless most of the time.
Princess Resurrection boasts average animation but combines it with such a randomized plot that it brings out well presented character depth that it makes watching this anime a blast throughout the entire series. You'll find yourself laughing at the same time as being enthralled in it's off-the-wall plot and group of misfit protagonists that tackle any opposing force thrown their way. It may not be the epic series that you're looking for but if there was ever a series where you just want to turn your brain off and kick back and enjoy at face value then you owe it to yourself to watch Princess Resurrection. A high rating for being simple, strange, but a whole lot of fun to watch.
Princess Resurrection (opening)
Recommendation: |High|
Media type: DVD
From: Sentai Filmworks
Spoken languages: Japanese
Subtitles: English
*Note - Sentai! What up with the typos? For shame Sentai... for shame! It's not like we can fix it. You need to release a v2 DVD set with subtitle corrections.
Masane Amaha happened to get caught in the middle of a cataclysmic natural disaster that destroyed most of Tokyo. However she came through unscathed with no recollection of anything that happened beforehand but she realizes that she now posses a bracelet that she is unable to remove. She was found amongst the rubble protecting her daughter Rihoko Amaha who was also unharmed by the disaster thanks to the protection from her frail mother Masane. After they recover both Masane and Rihoko set out into whats left of Tokyo to make a living for themselves, however, unable to provide a stable environment for her child the NSWF's Child Welfare Division take Rihoko away to a shelter as Masane puts up a fight for her child but is imprisoned instead. While awaiting trial for her actions, Masane is assaulted in her prison cell by a mysterious bio-engineered half-man half-machine weapon of destruction (called an X-con) that escaped from a large weapons manufacturer. As Masane is about to meet her death for reasons even unknown to her, the bracelet reacts to Masane's will to fight for her daughter and transforms her into ultimate fighting machine... the Witchblade. After disposing of the X-Con, Masane breaks out of prison and uses her newly discovered power to locate her daughter. With the Witchblades power finally awakened, there are others who are set in obtaining the power for themselves.
Reviewer: Endosanity
Number of episodes watched: 24
Here we have a woman who is down on her luck with no life to call her own but wants the best for her daughter. It's interesting to watch the lengths she will take to use the Witchblade to fight and protect her and also use it's powers to complete jobs for a large corporations as a bounty hunter of sorts. Witchblade isn't the dark gritty police drama that I remember, here it's centered around a group of friends that are really tight as one large family which makes from some unique characters that can make you laugh at times or cheer them on as they stand up for one another. Even once they discover that Masane is the Witchblade everyone helps her to protect her secret so she can provide the best life possible for Rihoko. Some might be put off thinking that it's a bunch of fluff, but it's presented very well within the series mainly because that direction isn't taken all that often with this type of show. Don't worry, there's still plenty of action from scantily clad big-breasted women fighting amonst each other... hey, that helps carry the series along too.
The animation here is above average and the characters, right down to the 6 year old Rihoko's motherly complex, are quite the bunch. I guess what really stood out for me is that even though the show had it's main character it mainly focused on the whole group of friends as the protagonists throughout the series not giving special treatment to just one person. Even though Masane was the Witchblade she held the same equal ground with everyone. Even the antagonists are quite the despicable bunch that you just enjoy hating in order to see them taken down one way or another. The only thing that disappointed me was the lack of backstory leaving alot of the Witchblade mystery unexplained which made for one very lame ending that ruined the overall series.
I do recommend Witchblade, whether it be for the decent story or just to see super powered babes attacking each other, it's a series that's easy to get hooked on.
Witchblade (opening)
Recommendation: |Above Average|
Online viewing: Available at FAILimations website -
Witchblade (subbed and a few dubbed episodes)
Media type: DVD
From: FAILimation Undertainment
Spoken languages: English;Japanese
Subtitles: English
After the annihilation of all humanity a lone robotic prostitute named Malice wanders the streets still looking for the next client. Broken down and aging, Malice heads in for another repair but takes a wrong turn and ends up in a room with a giant spherical... thing. Realizing that it's not the repair robot she was looking for, Malice decides to kiss it, after which a mutated phallus breaks out from the inside of the sphere and impales Malice. Malice ceases to function but then wakes up the next day as a human with the strange power to turn anything robotic into a living organism by kissing it.
Reviewer: Endosanity
Number of episodes watched: 3 OVAs put together to make one horrible... horrible movie
That's about as straight forward as I can get because this movie explains nothing... NOTHING! This movie has no rhyme or reason to why anything is happening, who anybody is, why the world is now uninhabited, or what that sphere is or was. Ultimately, it's just one confusing mess that leads you to the intersection of "why" and "bother". Malice@Doll is a CGI anime movie and an extremely horrible one at that as it looks like something from an old PS1 video game or the computer rendering the show barely met the minimum system requirements for the software. The only way it could be enjoyed it if you're feeling nostalgic otherwise the presentation is very primitive and hurts what little story there is. This movie is just one big waste of time that presents you with a message that didn't have to be so cryptically hidden... "If it ain't broke, don't fix it."
Avoid this at all costs, the English track sounds like everyone phoned their lines in and no... it isn't some gritty, dark, cyberpunk thriller... it literally is nothing more than a pure crapfest. And y'know, that's all I can say about this one and that's pretty bad considering everything can be told in one and a half measly paragraphs.
Malice's Requiem (AMV)
*Note - No the guys computer isn't slow. That is how the CGI actually moves in the movie.
Recommendation: |None|
Media type: DVD
From: Arts Magic
Spoken languages: English;Japanese
Subtitles: English
2010. The Holy Empire of Britannia, an international superpower, has already dominated a third of the planet recently defeating Japan in less than a month with super-powered weapons called Knightmares. Japan lost it's freedom, it's independence, even it's name becoming known as Area 11. The Japanese people have even been renamed "Elevens". Although the Japanese try to fight for their freedom with occasional terrorist attacks, everything to this point has been futile. During a trip through the city a young man named Lelouch finds himself the unwitting pawn of a terrorist hijacking of a highly classified alien life form. However, the terrorists are overpowered by Britannian forces and the transport vehicle they stole... crashes. Although Lelouch had become a forced stowaway, Britannian forces make it clear they intend to kill everyone onboard. Then the bizarre life-form they were transporting is in fact a young-woman of unknown origin was accidentally released during the crash and senses the despise that Lelouch has for his own people and what they've done, offers a pact. She will grant him power over his enemies if Lelouch agrees to use the gift to oppose the the people that he not only hates but also blames for the death of his mother and the crippling of his sister. Lelouch agrees and with this Lelouch is given the power to control anyone to do anything he says with a simple glance. Lelouch not only escapes his captors but also starts to set in motion plans to destroy Britannia and bring justice to the Japanese and avenge his mother and sister.
Reviewer: Endosanity
Number of episodes watched: 25
Wow... just, wow. I've read and listened to all the hype on this series and for a while, couldn't be bothered with it and honestly... I don't like mech-type shows. But after reading some positive comments and seeing how the DVDs were available for rent... I gave it a go. Let me tell you, I was blown away and it's almost impossible to review in one paragraph. I gotta say, this series does just about everything right and covers so many types of genres in one package that I was literally hanging on each episode from the get-go. It has one of the most intricate plot-lines I have ever followed full of complicated futuristic politics, espionage, terrorism, and military strategy. But, along with this it also supplies the viewer with more simplistic things like everyday life, drama, a little bit of comedy now and then, and just some plain old kick-ass action. Not only that, but the character depth is truly informative explaining things like Lelouch's hatred for Britannia, and how everyone he knows became involved in his life through the Japanese holocaust he was forced to be part of. And while this is explained you won't find it boring in the least because at the point it's presented, you *want* to know more about these characters you're watching as it fills in any gaps to the story. Don't be surprised if you find yourself stunned with the amount of thought put into the story line and making sure everything you see is presented in a coherent manner.
With it's unique animation style, a plot so thick you could cut it with a knife, and a fantastic orchestrated soundtrack... Code Geass must be watched, plain and simple... even if you like your anime dubbed in English. Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion truly lives up to all the hype and if you were to pick one anime series to watch... this would be it.
Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion (opening)
Recommendation: |High|
Media type: DVD
From: Bandai Entertainment
Spoken languages: English;Japanese
Subtitles: English

This is where I would normally give a brief intro synopsis for an anime however with Serial Experiments: Lain, there isn't one. Think of it like this, you're given a 1000 piece puzzle of a clear blue sky and you dump all the pieces out in front of you. You're overwhelmed at first and don't know where to begin but then you see 5 puzzle pieces stuck together that form a small portion of the corner. With this little boost to begin with you realize that you could start the border and work your way in. That's what Serial Experiments: Lain is, it's a puzzle that only gives you a small hint at the story but leaves it up to the viewer to piece it together to decipher it's meaning. What that meaning is though, could differ from person to person.
Reviewer: Endosanity
Number of episodes watched: 13
Ah yes, our very own Complex 69 poster child makes her debut. I'll admit while watching this show I was confused but then again at times... I wasn't. Let me try to explain, now how I saw it is that the series is showing me how everyone on the Wired (kind of like the internet) is connected somehow by cellphones, computers, even television to some extent, but to someone that can't really see you does that mean you even exist? You can say what you want, be what you want... even God, but that still doesn't prove your existence. In reality no one is connected, you don't have to do or even say anything because you exist for the simple fact that you're there. But why be a slave to reality if it can't be controlled like the Wired?
This is only what I thought Serial Experiments: Lain was showing me by blending these two realities so close that it was sort of creepy at times. But, I could have someone else watch this anime and perceive something completely different and I couldn't tell them they were wrong. Hell, I'm probably wrong or maybe we would both be right and that's what makes Serial Experiments: Lain oddly refreshing. Some may be put off by the bleak colors and the lack of detail in the animation but I found that it really gave the series a very surreal feeling. With no plot to call it's own I still liked Serial Experiments: Lain for using a thinking persons approach to determine if you're going to like it or not, it really is a love/hate affair with this anime. I didn't care for the English track at all but the dialog is presented quite slow so I would go with subtitles unless you absolutely can't stand reading your television. But, would I recommend it? I would say yes but then again, just be prepared to actually think about what your watching because it's easy to get lost in this animes quagmire of existence.
Serial Experiments Lain (opening)
Recommendation: |High|
Media type: DVD
From: Pioneer Entertainment
Spoken languages: English;Japanese
Subtitles: English
*Note - FAILimation Undertainment now has the license for Serial Experiements Lain and will be releasing it... eventually... 1 or 2 years from now, probably.
Saku Oyagi finally returns to his hometown after seven years of traveling around Japan because his father was constantly changing jobs. But when the first person he runs into is the very one person he hoped to avoid, the loud and childish acting Mihoshi Akeno. Even though they've known each since they were small and she has always dragged Saku along everywhere she went, often against his will, he finds that he really doesn't seem to mind it at all. But the one thing that Mihoshi enjoyed most was stargazing and generally being fascinated with the universe in general and she has always taken Saku out at night with her just to stare at the stars hanging in the night sky. Even though Saku prefers to read and write, and is constantly annoyed by Mihoshi, when he finds out the school was threatening to close the astronomy club due to lack of interest he didn't want to let the school take away Mihoshi's favorite past time and regrettably joins. After time however, the more time Saku spends with Mihoshi and the club he starts to find himself becoming more captivated with the world above rather than having his face buried in a book.
Reviewer: Endosanity
Number of episodes watched: 12
When you take a look at the genres that this anime falls under you see two typical tags, romantic comedy and slice of life. But, I think they forgot to add one... educational. While watching Sora no Manimani I couldn't help but shake the feeling that each episode wanted to teach me something rather than present much of a story. Sure, yeah, the plot mainly revolves around different activities that the astronomy club does to try and gain new members and even throw in a little (and I do mean a little) bit of romantic elements but with this the show always veers off and goes into indepth explanations regarding the stars and constellations. Doing things this way doesn't leave much room for any kind of plot to work it's way in but yet I was still being taught things like how to recognize different constellations or flight patterns of comets. I guess that's also the main reason I kept watching was because I was educated instead of being entertained which made for an... odd, viewing experience.
While I was going through this anime I did find myself hoping that there might some sort of romance happening between Saku and Mihoshi or something... anything... to beef up the plot even just a little bit, but... it simply never happens. After about half way into the series I realized that it's not going anywhere but instead wants to pursue this route of being a very light-hearted slice of life series that wanted to teach me something worthwhile in the process. Even though this isn't a bad direction to go it also isn't going to appeal to a whole lot of people and you're either going to like Sora no Manimani or just disregard it after an episode or so. I'll commend Sora no Manimani for it's creativity and relaxed atmosphere but with it's uneventful plot and dry humor, there is nothing here that will make it a memorable viewing experience making it difficult to even recommend this anime to begin with.
Sora no Manimani (opening)
Recommendation: |Average|
The Gift, a once in a lifetime opportunity to grant a miracle for someone. However, for the Gift to work the recipient must accept it and share mutal feelings or the Gift will become distorted and may even wreak havoc on those around it. Haruhiko Amami is a firm believer in the Gift ability since if it were not for the Gift he would not be alive today. However, the Gift is an ability that is only given the the residents of the town of Narasakicho as the unknown phenomenon known as the eternal rainbow hangs in the sky above which he suspects is tied into the town's strange magical abilities. Although Amami is not fully aware of his past when his sister Riko, who mysteriously left 7 years, shows up in front of his house with a loaded suitcase claiming she's back home... forgotten emotions and a clouded history are about to be revealed that Amami had all but disregarded.
Reviewer: Endosanity
Number of episodes watched: 12 + 1 OVA
You ever have those times you're between anime series and you're not really sure what to watch next? Sure you have. But, how about when you see one series just sitting there that you never heard of and you read a little bit about it and it sounds interesting enough to give it a try and it turns out to be a damn good show? That, my friends, is Gift ~eternal rainbow~. The first thing I noticed about this anime is that the animation style uses a very classic style that doesn't try to be different and by doing so presents some very well drawn characters and the girls are extremely... cute, if I do dare say so myself. Now, putting that aside, let's take a look at the story itself. You have one guy and a few good looking girls, this might read like your typical harem anime it really isn't as only 2 of the girls in this story, Riko and Kirino, are the only ones who show any interest in Amami and Amami himself only has an interest in one girl and his feelings never wain, not even for a moment, in which this makes him a respectable and likable guy. I liked this approach as I didn't have to deal with watching a bunch of girls fawn stupidly over one guy but instead Gift uses this to present some decent character depth to all the wonderful ladies you encounter while watching this anime and that makes for a quite different and pleasant viewing experience.
Don't get me wrong though, Gift does have some romantic conflict and don't be surprised if you find it tearing you up inside because both Riko and Kirino make for two fantastic female leads. But Amami has his heart and soul only set on one (no spoilers) and he remains true to that fact and you can't help but have your own heart go out to both girls as you will be cheering on the recipient of Amami's feelings but also be overcome with sadness at the victim of unrequited love. Gift really is an amazing little unknown anime that has a wonderful presentation that manages to give you a great story, deep rooted romantic tension, fantastic character depth, a great cast, and a love story with the right amount of comedy thrown in that is simply a joy to watch. Put all this with it's tried and true animation style, Gift ~eternal rainbow~ is an anime that should be watched by any fan who is a romance schmuck such as myself. Don't miss out on this little known gem.
Gift ~eternal rainbow~ (opening)
Recommendation: |High|
Koyuki Tanaka leads a boring life and he only has two friends. One, Tanabe, is your basic pervert that's been held back in the same grade for far too long and the other is a girl named Izumi Ishiguro that sees Koyuki as nothing more than a friend. On his way home from school Koyuki comes across a bizarre looking dog being teased by a bunch of kids. Even though Koyuki scares the kids away the dog turns and attacks him and with quick reflexes, he jumps up and grabs ahold of a telephone pole to keep from being bitten. Just then a young man with long hair calls the dog off in English, although Koyuki mistakes him for a foreigner he is actually Japanese and introduces himself as Ray Minami and gives his thanks. A few days later he meets Ray again and as a token of his gratitude, Ray gives Koyuki an old guitar as he explains that he is a guitarist himself as Ray's musical background starts to influence Koyuki to start playing the guitar and that there is much more out there than the typical Japanese pop singer.
Reviewer: Endosanity
Number of episodes watched: 26
Beck is sort of a coming of age story that not only revolves around one kids life changing realization but also shows everything that's involved with trying to make that dream into a reality. But the thing that makes Beck stand out is that it doesn't sugarcoat anything and that life doesn't hand you everything on a silver platter. With this Beck is not the stereo-typical anime storytelling that some are familiar with but instead a reality that some may be able to identify with, especially if you're trying to start your own band. It really does an excellent job of presenting the metal underground scene and what goes on when there's no giant stage, no multi-million dollar record company support, no popularity, but your own hard work that's going to get you where you want to go. Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do even if it means dealing with all the wrong people.
The only downside with Beck is that it wastes a little too much time on things that don't affect the overall plot giving you side stories that you probably won't care about and sometimes simply dropped leaving you wonder why it was brought up to begin with. Slow and steady, Beck gets back on course with the plot but with all the side tracking the series does seems to drag on longer than it should and could have been finished up in about half the episodes.
Even though the animation is extremely bleak it actually works for the show instead of against it and the plot is a bit slow but still interesting none the less I say give this anime a try. I enjoyed it far more than I thought I would. Oddly, when watching Beck, every time I saw them perform I couldn't help but think that they remind me of Rage Against the Machine... just saying is all..
Beck (Tribute AMV - Typhoon 24)
Recommendation: |Above Average|
Online viewing: Available at FAILimation's website, sort of...
Beck (subbed and dubbed)
*Note - Well, the pea-brained fucktards at FAILimation only put up like 3 episodes to watch at their website. Sure, *that'll* make you want to run out and buy this. Do yourself a favor and just rent it and if you like it that much after you've watched it then, well... the choice is yours.
Media type: DVD
From: FAILimation Undertainment
Spoken languages: English; Japanese
Subtitles: English
Tsubomi Tachibana is a fifth grader who is starting to encounter some sensitive issues in life through her slow transcendence into adulthood. She is about to become an older sister but she doesn't understand why, she finds blood in her panties but has no idea why and finds it embarrassing, and she can't understand recent feelings she's been having when being around a boy in her class named Nemoto. Nobody ever said growing up is easy and Naisho no Tsubomi helps to shed some light on what exactly is going through a young girls mind at an early yet critical point in their lives.
Reviewer: Endosanity
Number of episodes watched: 3
Now, I know what you're probably thinking... "What do kids possibly have to worry about? They got it easy!" Well, what this anime shows you is that there are a lot of things going on in their head but they don't know how to comprehend the situation and are afraid to ask. Well, Tsubomi explains the flip-side that you're not understanding as an adult and how a young girl views the situation before her. Although she thinks confiding in friends for advice will put her mind at ease, watching the bad advice she receives might put a smile on your face because since they know nothing more than Tsubomi does it's like the blind leading the blind. But, Tsubomi does eventually confide in adults for answers to her questions and it's interesting how the anime portrays the Gates of Knowledge slowly opening on a pre-pubescent mind and how it's comprehend.
Naisho no Tsubomi doesn't really have a plot to speak of. Instead, what this extremely short series does is show you how life is a challenge for everyone and that just trying to understand the world around you is a big part of a young person's life. Although the animation is a little dated looking, with this series spanning only 3 episodes I would say look into it if you might be interested in how the younger generation perceives the world with new emotional and physical changes that arise in everyday situations and the questions kids have but are most of the time afraid to ask. This anime is cute yet somewhat informative in it's own nonchalant way, recommended... but only if you're curious.
Recommendation: |Average|
Nayu Hayama is obsessed with underwear, so much to the fact that she is an "underwear monitor" She tests out new underwear products designed by her very own brother and then reports her insight on the comfort and style of what she's wearing back to him. But, during the entrance ceremony for school as Nayu heads to the stage to give a speech as the class representative she trips and reveals her adult-styled panties to the entire student body. But after this accident, Nayu is approached by several girls interested in her style of undergarments even though she's only 12 years old. Combine this with Nayu's obsession for frilly things, she decides to start the Underwear Appreciation Society to assist girls with different types of underwear that would best suit their body. But getting the the to actually acknowledge this as a legitimate club could prove problematic.
Reviewer: Endosanity
Number of episodes watched: 12
Middle school girls trying on different types of panties and bras and then walking around and talking about how it feels... what self-appointed perv wouldn't be curious about this? Okay, honestly, when I read about the plot summary for this anime I couldn't help but think that the industry was really grasping for some kind of story by introducing a show about girls' underwear. But, my curiosity got the better of me and I decided to give Chu-Bra a try and sure enough... it was just as stupid as it sounded. Within less than 5 minutes you get a close-up of Nayu's ass which pretty much sets the tone for the rest of the series... young girls interested in adult underwear. But are you one to complain? No? Didn't think so.
From here one Chu-Bra! takes things a step forward and starts to instruct the viewer on how different underwear feels or how different styles of bras affect a girls comfort during their transcendence into adulthood. Don't worry now, this is not completely an educational anime about panties and bras, there's somewhat of a story in there on how more and more girls start overcoming their embarrassment and approach Nayu for suggestions on what bras and p-p-panties that would best contort to the curvature of their young... middle school... maturing... bodies... FFFFFFFF-HNNNNNGGGGG!! Wait, what was I talking about again?
Joking aside though, there is really no plot here other than showing you what girls think about when it comes to underwear and how Nayu's shamefulness on the matter helps other young ladies come out in the open for answers to their questions regarding secretive comfort and it also presents some very risque humor. Strangely enough I found myself actually enjoying this series but was it for the out of the ordinary story and informative insight on bras and panties or was it because I'm just a dirty old man wanting to watch half-naked girls in every episode. Hmmm, let's just say it's a little from column A and a little from column B, but in the end I can definitely say... I am now a panty professional.
Chu-Bra (opening)
Recommendation: |Average|
Online viewing available at Crunchyroll:
Media type: Internet streaming
From: Crunchyroll
Spoken languages: Japanese
Subtitles: English
Synopsis:As the movie opens we see young Chihiro on her way to a new town, a new school, during a move and Chihiro complains the entire way. However, her father decides to take a shortcut and ends up at a dead end with nothing more than a large wall and a tunnel that is big enough to walk through. Curious, her mother and father both decide to walk through the tunnel and see whats at the other end and not wanting to be left alone, Chihiro joins them. At the end of the tunnel they discover a stone path that leads to an abandoned theme park and decide to investigate the forgotten wonder. Oddly enough what they find amongst the wreckage is a strip of food stores that have a hot meal waiting for them but no one around to serve it. As Chihiros parents decide to partake in the feast, she decides to look around some more and comes across a young man that tells her to leave immediately before night falls. Scared, Chihiro runs while noticing the shadows beginning to move with a life that is not humanly possible and as she goes back to where her parents were all she finds is two large pigs stuffing their faces. She continues to run towards the way that they came in only to come across a large lake that has now surrounded the entire area. Curling up into a fetal position Chihiro hopes that this is all a dream but as the shadows close in she realizes that this is a new reality.
Reviewer: Endosanity
Number of episodes watched: 1
Simply put, Spirited Away is an amazing film and I don't give a damn if it is tagged as a kids movie. Not only are you given a boisterous living parallel universe full of demons and other denizens brought to life with the use of vivid colors, but a wonderful lesson about maturing presented through the actions of one 10 year old. I gotta be honest that I was captivated by Chihiros' character and how she affected every person... er, demon... she came in contact with by her actions or just by listening and reading between the lines, that there is so much more than whats on the surface of any one being. Her innocence to all the matters at hand only fuel the the already present fantastic story being told and combining this all with superb animation makes this a film that should not be passed up at any rate. Rent this, watch it with the family, and enjoy the originality of a wonderful parallel universe to ours being turned upside down with the actions of one young girl by a most bizarre twist of fate.
Beautifully animated and a captivating story set in a world that only the stuff of dreams are made of, Spirited Away is one of the finest animated films I have seen to date and simply should not be missed. Highly recommended.
Spirited Away (trailer)
Recommendation |High|
Media type: DVD
From: Walt Disney Pictures
Languages spoken: English;Japanese
Subtitles: English
Looking to pursue a life that's anything but normal, Mikado Ryuugamine transfers to a school in the city of Ikebukuro with a little encouragement from his friend Masaomi Kida. But, what he encounters may be a little more than he was looking for. Warring gangs, a secret society that exists to include everyone but then no one, a man dressed as a bartender that posses supernatural strength and a short fused temper to accompany it, a bizarre shop selling Russian sushi, a slasher that roams the streets at night leaving a trail of dead bodies but has never been seen, and an urban legend that Ryuugamine witnesses on his first night in Ikebukuro... a headless motorcycle driver named, The Black Rider. Oh yeah, Ikebukuro is far being... normal.
Reviewer: Endosanity
Number of episodes watched: 24
Y'know, when you watch anime on a constant basis you start to see re-occurring trends when it comes to any genre. So much to the point you almost start to get bored with everything or you already know what the show will be about and how it will end just by reading it's description. And honestly, when I read the summary for Durarara!! and looked and the artwork I was less than impressed, as a matter of fact I totally disregarded it altogether. But when online digital media distributor Crunchyroll announced they picked up this title I could have cared less but since everything Crunchyroll had obtained for that season was utterly pathetic I decided to give Durarara!! a chance as I figured, what have I got to lose... I might as well use this premium subscription I paid for. Well, let me put it this way... it only took one episode and I was totally hooked. Now, don't get me wrong, Crunchyroll still sucks peanut infused turds through a shit encrusted poop chute but that's not the point here. The main picture here is that Durarara!! is one of the most well thought out anime series to show itself in a sea of mediocrity making it one series that must be watched even if you're only a casual anime viewer. How so, you ask? Let me try to break it down for you without going into some long winded boring ass review.
What Durarara!! does so well is taking a truly strange and uncommon character set that hasn't been used before in any anme series that I've seen and puts them together in plot that they share one common element, they all know each other. But as the story moves on, even though everyone shares some sort of common bond you also get to see their dark side that they are hiding from each other. The only person that has nothing to hide is the Black Rider herself, Celty. She is a headless entity that is more than willing to show anyone that nothing exists behind that tinted visor on her motorcycle helmet but this also ties her into each character with her search for her missing head. But what of everyone else? Well, since I don't want to spoil the plot let me put it this way... Ryuugamine is the quiet guy that keeps to himself but what is his real story, Kida is his best friend and outspoken but there is something about this guy that just doesn't set well, then there's Sonohara who is a very apprehensive girl that doesn't have much to say yet she is a living age old curse, three friends that look out for each other but with their secrets that they hide have unknowingly made them each others own worst enemy.
The wonderful thing about Durarara!! is that it manages to hide this dark fact from the audience for a good portion of the show and reveals everything slowly and very effectively. This gives the show the right amount of pacing and takes the plot in just the right direction that really pushes you to want to keep moving from episode to episode non-stop. To make this trip even more enjoyable is the fact that it's Celty, the headless motorcyclist, that manages to help reveal everyone's hidden identity to each other without wanting to kill one another in the process but instead accept each other for who they truly are. Durarara!! drops in short stories regarding everyone's past that prove informative but not overly boring making for simply fantastic characterization and as everything winds down you're left with somewhat of an unfulfilling yet satisfactory conclusion. Average animation with a strong cast and deep rooted plot to back it up, Durarara!! is one show that should not be missed by anyone who enjoys anime and it is completely worthy of every minute you spend watching it.
Oh, and about the title? FFFFFFFFF... hell if I know...
Durarara!! (opening)
Recommendation: |Very High|
Online viewing: (Available at Crunchyroll) -
Durarara!! (English subtitled)
Media type: Internet streaming
From: Crunchyroll
Languages: Japanese
Subtitles: English
*Note - And it looks like Crunchyroll has failed again as Aniplex USA has taken this title away and will be releasing it on DVD along with an English dubbed track. You can still stream it but since streaming online licks balls, the DVD version is on the way. But, if you want to see this awesome series now then just click and watch-it! Why wait?