Nayu Hayama is obsessed with underwear, so much to the fact that she is an "underwear monitor" She tests out new underwear products designed by her very own brother and then reports her insight on the comfort and style of what she's wearing back to him. But, during the entrance ceremony for school as Nayu heads to the stage to give a speech as the class representative she trips and reveals her adult-styled panties to the entire student body. But after this accident, Nayu is approached by several girls interested in her style of undergarments even though she's only 12 years old. Combine this with Nayu's obsession for frilly things, she decides to start the Underwear Appreciation Society to assist girls with different types of underwear that would best suit their body. But getting the the to actually acknowledge this as a legitimate club could prove problematic.
Reviewer: Endosanity
Number of episodes watched: 12
Middle school girls trying on different types of panties and bras and then walking around and talking about how it feels... what self-appointed perv wouldn't be curious about this? Okay, honestly, when I read about the plot summary for this anime I couldn't help but think that the industry was really grasping for some kind of story by introducing a show about girls' underwear. But, my curiosity got the better of me and I decided to give Chu-Bra a try and sure enough... it was just as stupid as it sounded. Within less than 5 minutes you get a close-up of Nayu's ass which pretty much sets the tone for the rest of the series... young girls interested in adult underwear. But are you one to complain? No? Didn't think so.
From here one Chu-Bra! takes things a step forward and starts to instruct the viewer on how different underwear feels or how different styles of bras affect a girls comfort during their transcendence into adulthood. Don't worry now, this is not completely an educational anime about panties and bras, there's somewhat of a story in there on how more and more girls start overcoming their embarrassment and approach Nayu for suggestions on what bras and p-p-panties that would best contort to the curvature of their young... middle school... maturing... bodies... FFFFFFFF-HNNNNNGGGGG!! Wait, what was I talking about again?
Joking aside though, there is really no plot here other than showing you what girls think about when it comes to underwear and how Nayu's shamefulness on the matter helps other young ladies come out in the open for answers to their questions regarding secretive comfort and it also presents some very risque humor. Strangely enough I found myself actually enjoying this series but was it for the out of the ordinary story and informative insight on bras and panties or was it because I'm just a dirty old man wanting to watch half-naked girls in every episode. Hmmm, let's just say it's a little from column A and a little from column B, but in the end I can definitely say... I am now a panty professional.
Chu-Bra (opening)
Recommendation: |Average|
Online viewing available at Crunchyroll:
Media type: Internet streaming
From: Crunchyroll
Spoken languages: Japanese
Subtitles: English
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