Okay, well not that extreme, but it did get your attention didn't it? Complex 69 (i.e. me) is looking for someone who wants to have their reviews added and spread the good word of anime. I've been flying solo for over two years so why now you ask? Well, there's alot of shows out there and I can't very well cover them all and also there are some popular anime series that I have no desire to watch (see Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood or anything with Gundam in the title) No real reason, I just don't feel like watching them. I don't care what you review, as long as it's anime and you don't lace it with corporate fanboyism. Hell, you can write reviews for hentai just as long as you use some common sense in choosing your words. All that's really required is that you have finished the series, so no reviews for ongoing series like Naruto, One Piece, Bleach, and of the like and no reviews for shows you dropped.
Think you're up for it? It can't hurt to give it a shot, you know you want to, and out of the 6 or 7 of you who visit one of you wants to join the review (skeleton) crew, right? You already know the review format so send me a shout out over at the Wildside Cinema forums or reply here, I don't care.
Or don't reply and I'll just delete this post in a few days and I'll keep traveling down that lonesome road myself. Later!
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