Tsubomi Tachibana is a fifth grader who is starting to encounter some sensitive issues in life through her slow transcendence into adulthood. She is about to become an older sister but she doesn't understand why, she finds blood in her panties but has no idea why and finds it embarrassing, and she can't understand recent feelings she's been having when being around a boy in her class named Nemoto. Nobody ever said growing up is easy and Naisho no Tsubomi helps to shed some light on what exactly is going through a young girls mind at an early yet critical point in their lives.
Reviewer: Endosanity
Number of episodes watched: 3
Now, I know what you're probably thinking... "What do kids possibly have to worry about? They got it easy!" Well, what this anime shows you is that there are a lot of things going on in their head but they don't know how to comprehend the situation and are afraid to ask. Well, Tsubomi explains the flip-side that you're not understanding as an adult and how a young girl views the situation before her. Although she thinks confiding in friends for advice will put her mind at ease, watching the bad advice she receives might put a smile on your face because since they know nothing more than Tsubomi does it's like the blind leading the blind. But, Tsubomi does eventually confide in adults for answers to her questions and it's interesting how the anime portrays the Gates of Knowledge slowly opening on a pre-pubescent mind and how it's comprehend.
Naisho no Tsubomi doesn't really have a plot to speak of. Instead, what this extremely short series does is show you how life is a challenge for everyone and that just trying to understand the world around you is a big part of a young person's life. Although the animation is a little dated looking, with this series spanning only 3 episodes I would say look into it if you might be interested in how the younger generation perceives the world with new emotional and physical changes that arise in everyday situations and the questions kids have but are most of the time afraid to ask. This anime is cute yet somewhat informative in it's own nonchalant way, recommended... but only if you're curious.
Recommendation: |Average|
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