Combining a spiritual medium and a dominatrix seems like a career choice that can't go wrong, hmm? Piqued your interest a little bit did I? Ghost Talker's Daydream takes this idea and seemingly falls flat on it's face because as the film progresses it makes little sense other than giving the heroine Saiki Misaki a reason to parade around in skimpy leather outfits. While this is not necessarily a bad thing it might have worked better had she not the albino tom-boyish figure going on. Dear god... now I'm commenting on the sex appeal of an anime character... how low I have sunk. (sigh)
Reviewer: Endosanity
Number of episodes watched: 3
Ghost Talker's main plot is that of spiritual medium Misaki being hired out for odd jobs by a contact of hers named Souichirou usually having to relay messages from the dead that still may haunt a certain area. By doing this they are usually able to find what is disturbing the spirit and discover some way of appeasing it. While this seems like a ghost story that could work the problem lies in the fact that these are four separate episodes containing three different stories and you're basically assaulted with storytelling on speed that's taking a potentially huge problem and solving it in 20 mintues. Maybe if it was one big issue that was spread out over the four episodes it could have even given time for a decent plot and maybe some character depth of which there really is none. You're given a look into a bit of Misaki's past but it's too little too late and it doesn't bring you any closer to her or her spiritual guardian Kinue. Nor are we given explanation for Souichirou's whimpering antics that are somehow mysteriously overshadowing his expertise in Judo and when it's all said and done you just don't care.
This short series also in some aspects wants you to take it seriously at times but this is almost impossible as every characters facial exagerassions (gigantic eyes, fangs, mouth bigger than thier face) will kill that tone immediately. Especially when half an episode is spent watching Saiki Misaki trying to grow pubic hair instead of focusing on a spiritual disturbance. From the elevator music inspired soundtrack to the average animation Ghost Talker's Daydream is nothing more than a seemingly good idea but presented in a way that really didn't make any sense to help support it. This anime series is supposedly loosely based off the manga and as such the viewer to have read that already (which I didn't, color me concerned). In the end, I don't really recommend it because it can all be summed up in one word... boring.
The English track? Couldn't tell you, I didn't even bother with it.
Ghost Talker's Daydream (music video)
Recommendation: |Low|
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