The DearS storyline is about already having aliens, the DearS, and humans co-exist (at least in Japan) due to a spaceship that crashlanded on earth. We begin as our man Takeya is on his way home from school and sees a robed figure sitting by the roadside, curious, he asks if they are okay or injured. However, when the figure looks up he can clearly see that it's a woman, she stands up and reaches out to him and heals a small cut on his cheek. Thinking that this woman is some kind of weirdo, Takeya turns and heads for home but just then she passes out and falls over in front of a speeding truck and in a last second decision Takeya pulls her out of the way saving her from becoming roadkill. After the incident, Takeya gets a closer look at the robed woman and realizes that she is a DearS alien but at that moment she wakes up and pledges to become his slave for eternity then passes out again. Well, Takeya can't just very well leave her on the street so he takes her home and tries to figure out what to do...
Reviewer: Endosanity
Number of episodes watched: 13
Simply put, DearS is your run of the mill aliengirl-meets-Joe-Schmoe anime with it's fair share of fanservice and ecchiness to accompany the shows humor. Although the shows premise is interesting it isn't explained very well in the 13 episodes we're given and everything feels rushed and extremely lacking at the same time... with only 13 episodes DearS wastes time on character depth that you tend to find uninteresting instead of focusing on the series' main characters. Also, Takeya's bullheadedness against the DearS is lame and makes little to no sense and his constant whining and complaining gets annoying very quickly. Another thing is, this show goes the opposite direction and uses, ugh... male tsundereness. Yes, watching Takeya breakdown over the series made me practically hate him and his redemption was too little too late, but luckily Ren (the DearS that Takeya rescues) has her own cuteness helped make it an amusing series overall and a decent waste of time in it's short run.
But, that is also the downside to DearS in that it was too short and left far too many loose ends that will never be tied up with a season 2. The best way to watch DearS is as a filler series while waiting for your next favorite episode to become available so give it a shot... but only if you have nothing better to do. Don't get me wrong though, the series does have it's own charm, you just have to do a little digging to find it.
DearS (AMV)
Recommendation: |Average|
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