You like gun fights? You like gun fights with lots of explosions and bullet riddled bodies? You like gun fights with lots of explosions and bullet riddles bodies all being caused by a woman wearing a pair of Daisy Dukes and combat boots? Friend, if you answered "Yes!" to any of these questions then welcome to the Black Lagoon Pirate... I mean, Delivery Company.
Here we have low man on the totem pole Rokuro Okajima trying to make a living as a salaryman and constantly getting put down and kicked around by his superiors. He's sent on what he thinks is a simple business trip but lucky for him the sea vessel that he is on is taken hostage by the crew of the Black Lagoon. As it turns out Okajima has a data disk that the Black Lagoon wants in his briefcase and as insurance and a little extra ransom money Okajima is also taken hostage. Of course, what giant corporation is gonna give a rats-ass about a lowley little peon businessman and of course he's cast aside. Instead of going down like a bitch, Okajima becomes a participant of the smuggling operation and joins the Black Lagoon with a little encouragement from crew members Dutch and Revy. With Okajima's smarts he becomes the Black Lagoon's negotiator and so begins his trancendense from mild mannered businessman to high seas pirate.
Reviewer: Endosanity
Number of episodes watched: 24
Black Lagoon is nothing more than mindless balls-to-the-wall action full of over the top gun fights with bullets constantly whizzing by, tons of shit blowing up, a huge body count, and one kick ass lady named Revy that loves nothing more than to cause as much destruction as possible and it's all put together with killer animation. Man I loved this show, there's nothing to think about here, 12 episodes of smuggling, theft, kidnapping, and one mans acceptance into this world so take that one big complicated plot and toss it out the window cause you won't need it. The people of the Black Lagoon are quite the characters because no matter how dispicable the job is they always look out for one another. There isn't much characterization here other than a slight look at Revy's past but by this time Revy has already become your favorite anti-hero... trust me. If you want something that you don't have to wrap your brain around to enjoy, by god this is it.
I apologize for not being overly thorough but for this type of anime it's just not needed. It is what it is and just a great waste of time from beginning to end.
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