Well, while I'm currently watching yet another series I'm gonna go back and reminisce about another great, underrated show... Zeiram: The Animation. A sci-fi anime that is supposedly a prequel to the live action movies that kind of remind me of a Power Rangers episode, Zeiram tells the story of a young bounty hunter named Iria that is following in the footsteps of her brother, Gren, and become a famous bounty hunter.
During a rescue mission of the hi-jacked spaceship called Karma... Gren, Iria, and their partner Bob encounter Zeiram... an indestructible alien and a battle ensues. The spaceship is eventually destroyed and while Iria survives, Gren and Bob disappear and are no where to be found. Even though the authorities turn a blind eye, Iria sets out to track down her brother and what became of the infamous Zeiram.
Reviewer: Endosanity
Number of episodes watched: 6
Reviewer: Endosanity
Number of episodes watched: 6
Zeiram is an often overlooked series I quite enjoyed back in the day. The plot may seem a little typical, amatuer bounty hunter wants revenge for a family member, but what really stands out is the world in which the story takes place. It has a steam-punk look and feel to it. While everything looks beat up and run down being held together with gauze and duct tape it's perfectly everyday living for Iria. The animation is above average, especially for 1994, but the characters are somewhat lacking. Aside from Iria and Zeiram no one really stands out other than the fact that they're there, but these two combined with a decent story dropped into a unique universe makes this anime worth checking out. Yeah, it's old and the animation is dated but Zeiram tells a great story and has the perfect atmosphere, give it a shot... you might actually like this forgotten title of ages past.
Iria - Zeiram: The Animation (opening)
Recommendation: |High|
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