Marin and Urin are two sisters that live in the sea. Always exploring new areas, Marin happens across a ring sinking from the surface of the water. She notices how beautiful the ring is and that it must have been dropped by accident and decides to find the owner of the ring. Thinking that this would be a great time for a new adventure, Marin puts on a bracelet that will allow her to breathe air and heads to the visit the "sky people" (that's us land lovers) and Urin, being her sister, follows her. However, what they encounter in the world above is not like the stories they've heard among the sea people.
Reviewer: Endosanity
Number of episodes watched: 12
Here we have these sisters that... (sigh) They're from the sea or some such and... and... there's this ring and, (yawn) aaahhh, it's the darkness but magic girls save the... the day, yeah. (yawn) G'night.
Recommendation: |Below Average|
Oh, uh... sorry, sorry. I was just thinking about this show and started to doze off, my bad. Umi Monogatari ~Ana... screw it, let's just go with Sea Story, is a show that suffers from one major problem... it's boring. I don't know how many times a nodded off while watching this anime but the strange thing is that it's really not a bad show. But, it moves so freakin' slow you might be tempted to just stop watching it. As it opens you're even greeted with a very soft melody that is practically a lullaby to your ears but, if you make it through that what you'll get is a show that presents itself in a very laid back and calming fashion. This anime relies heavily on love, goodness, and friendship to bring everyone together making it rather cheesy in the overall scope of things. Now, you might be thinking that this is the premise of all magic-girl styled anime but even that angle is isn't really emphasized as the girl-to-magic-girl transformations are very short and the so called powers they have don't ever seem to have as much of an effect of ridding evil as much as a hug and saying "I love you!" Ridiculous, but true.
The characters didn't really stand out and displayed no individuality but you'll still like them just the same as the shows main message is really to just tell a tale of love and peace and how that is all that's needed to overcome sadness and evil. The animation is blah, the story is schmaltzy, but you can't help be put at ease by the overall relaxing atmosphere. Do I recommend it? Sure, if you find turtle races exciting. I mean... the show moved along like molasses in January and it's one that's not worth a second viewing, let alone a first.
Umi Monogatari ~Anata ga Ite Kureta Koto~ (opening)
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