By no interest of his own, Miharu Rokujo, learns that he is the sole possessor of the Shinra Banshou. The most powerful secret art of the ninja world. But the thing is, he doesn't doesn't care and even though every ninja clan is out to claim his power their own if he could just give his power away... he would. But one ninja, Yoite, with the power to hurt others at the expense of his own life-force pleas with Miharu to use the Shinra Banshou and erase his existence so that he will not be remembered. Miharu decides to help Yoite's and decides to learn to use his new found power to honor Yoite's request.
Reviewer: Endosanity
Number of episodes watched: 26 (Yeah, I managed to sit through the entire show for you guys just for me to tell you DO NOT WATCH! Be grateful to grandpa Endo.)
"The ninja world is at war. Whatever." This is FAILimation's marketing 'slogan' that might have you thinking 'So, it's like a ninja show with cool ninja dudes that kick ass and don't give a shit? Cool!' Sorry, no. Here, let me rephrase it and put a little more truth to the matter. "The ninja world is at war. But for now some punk-ass bitches will whine about their existence for the next 26 episodes." There we go, that about sums it up. What one has to do with the other... I don't know, but I do know that Nabari no Ou manages to do two things that no anime has done before as it both annoyed me to no end and was also extremely boring. At the beginning there are a few ninja fights but after Yoite hits the screen this anime tries to get the audience to become empathetic towards him by constantly hammering you with the 'his power is killing him' angle by dropping that bomb in every conversation. Then, Yoite speaks up for himself by whining to have Miharu erase his existence with his 'almighty' power. But it gets better as he *constantly* bitches about wanting to be erased... for the entire fucking show! At some point you'll be begging for someone, anyone, to kill the whiny little shit just so he'll shut the hell up about it.
But no. What you're gonna see is Yoite and Miharu get much closer turning your ninja anime into a yaoi (homosexual) ninja anime. Oh don't worry, this happens to some of the other male characters also turning this anime into a bromance of sorts and by this time the whole ninja aspect of the show has all but been killed off. None of the characters are noteworthy other then the fact that the constant bitching of "I wish I was never born!" "I don't want this!" and all the boo-fucking-hooing *will* grate on your nerves. The animation is lacking and everyone is drawn to look like they are suffering from Buhlemia. And there is nothing even remotely interesting about the overall story leaving you with an ending that makes you glad that it's finally over if you even made it that far. Almost makes you sad to think that anyone would actually buy this thinking "Hey, this looks cool!" Appearances can be deceiving.
Nabari no Ou (opening)
Recommendation: |Less than zero!|
Online viewing: At FAILimation's website
Nabari no Ou (subbed and a few dubbed episodes)
*Note - Y'know, it's pretty fuckin' bad when FAILimation doesn't even bother putting up the rest of their own shitty-ass dub version to stream but only a few dubbed episodes amongst the subtitled version. It's like they couldn't be bothered with trying to overcompensate for this fuming pile of crap that no one in their right mind should be watching anyway.
Media type: DVD
From: FUNimation
Spoken languages: English;Japanese
Subtitles: English
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