Looking to cash in on a huge reward, bounty hunter Nadie is hired to accompany a mysterious young girl named Ellis in a journey to head... south. However, Nadie quickly learns that Ellis has a large bounty on her head and is the target of practically every hunter in the countryside. As Nadie escorts Ellis south she slowly starts to learn the truth why Ellis has such a large bounty on her head as she's an artificial life-form fused with the DNA of an ancient witch clan which is said to harvest great power. But Nadie and Ellis begin to form an inseparable bond which motivates Nadie to help Ellis reach her goal, the Winay Marka, no matter what the odds are.
Reviewer: Endosanity
Number of episodes watched: 26
There's nothing like a good ole anime action series to sit back and pass the time with. But from the moment I started watching El Cazador de la Bruja within the first episode I could tell that there was more to this show than what's on the surface. Although the plot was standard fare it was Ellis that captivated me as she has this odd, yet very open way of describing her feelings to the audience without any hesitation on her part. It's like everything that goes on in this girls mind is practically worn on her sleeve, so to speak, and this makes her a very intriguing yet laid back character as all this is accompanied by little to no emotion on Ellis's part. Nadie however is a different story as she portrays the tough as nails good looking heroine with a heart of gold which may seem almost commonplace in every anime but it accompanies Ellis's mysterious ways elegantly making these girls a magnificent pair.
But what about the story itself? Well, it's not all that intriguing as you'll be following Nadie and Ellis as they travel across the countryside through small towns usually encountering one unique character per episode. Then, Nadie and Ellis help that person overcome some personal hurdle and end up forming a small bond until everything is resolved and then they continue on with their journey. But, This anime never loses it's focus on the overall main plot of Ellis's self-discovery. This kept things fresh as I found myself going from episode to episode and when the I hit the last episode on the DVD it felt as if almost no time had passed.
Although this anime is portrayed as an action series, something you'll quickly notice is it's non-violent approach to violence. In other words, if someone is killed, all you'll see is a silhouette or the "camera" will cut to an outdoor scene and you'll here a gunshot in the distance only to return the viewer to a body laying on the ground. Luckily, this doesn't really detract from the series overall and it's still very enjoyable. El Cazador de la Bruja is a great action romp with a decent story to back it up that turns out to be a lot better than what you'd expect just from reading it's description.
El Cazador de la Bruja (opening)
Recommendation: |Above Average|
Online viewing: Available at FUNimation's website -
El Cazador de la Bruja (subbed and dubbed)
Media type: DVD
From: FUNimation
Spoken languages: English;Japanese
Subtitles: English
*Note - I'm almost sad to see this didn't include a Spanish dubbed track considering the setting of the show.
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