Girl's High (High School Girls) is an anime series that is nothing more than following six friends through one year of high school. It shows the viewer how girls act when only amongst themselves and if I'd known women were this uninhibited then I need to find a time machine and go back to my high school years and pay more attention. It touches upon subjects like first day of school, physicals, friendship, dating (or lack there-of I should say), lesbianism, sibling rivalry, blackmailing teachers, bikini waxing each other, festivals, and even touches upon... date rape.
Reviewer: Endosanity
Number of episodes watched: 12
I'll admit, I started watching Girl's High for the title alone because... well... I'm a pervert and the name intrigued me. After watching the show for a bit I started to lose interest as the story seemed far too typical and the animation was nothing special but I decided to ride it out anyway. The thing with this show is that it seems to know when it loses the viewers attention and throws out some fanservice and ecchi-type situations at just the right time to keep your interest. This series has no qualms about about it's fanservice loaded ecchiness and puts it in your face because I did find my mind wandering from watching girls talk about everyday life but then I was given a bit of fanservice and it brought me back. It's loaded with comedy but alot of it feels borrowed and relies too much on the fanservice or sexually related bad comedy aspect to come across as funny which would make me laugh at times or get a sigh the next, it was hit or miss. I will give this series props for poking fun at the heavily cliched "love at first sight" that plagues some anime and really buries it in the ground and that managed to get a chuckle or two out of me every time. The animation is typical so nothing special there and character depth is kept to a minimum since this is more slice-of-life style story telling mainly focusing on the present and I would only recommend it if you want an inside view of how girls act behind the scenes when put with a comical routine, as for me... I liked it I suppose. I still say give it a try as it's only 12 episodes but it's nothing you'll remember in the long run.
Girl's High (opening)
Girl's High (closing)
Recommendation: |Average|
Online viewing: Available at Crunchyroll -
Girls High (English subtitled)
Media type: DVD
From: Anime Works
Spoken languages: Japanese
Subtitles: English
*Note - Due to poor video quality, I wish the streaming version was available somewhere other than at Crunchyroll but... there you go. I've said it before and I'll say it again... Hey, what do you want for free?
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