In the distant future Mars is now inhabited due to Earths over-population, humans and robots (called seconds) are co-existing but the fight for robot rights rages on. More advanced robots called 'thirds' are considered 'too human' and are deemed illegal but robot right activists want all robot types to be accepted as equals and become part of normal society. However, someone has made it their responsibility to eliminate all third types in existence since they are quite rare and to make sure that humans are only existing for humans. On the case is loose-cannon cop Naomi Armitage with her sexy outfit wearing unorthodox manner of solving crimes and recent transfer from Earth fellow officer Ross Sylibus. Ross is assigned to the case even though he despises robots from some unknown reason he won't speak of but the more time he spends with Armitage as his partner the more his opinion of robots and humanity changes as he slowly realizes that she is also an illegal third type robot.
Reviewer: Endosanity
Number of episodes watched: 1 (originally it was 6 episodes long, not 1 90 minute "movie")
Poly-Matrix is supposed to be a stand alone movie. However, what it really is, is a *heavily* butchered version of a 4 OVA (Original Video Animation or 'direct to video') series called Armitage III that's taking a 140 minute anime and cutting to down to 90 minutes. 140 minutes... 90 minutes... so it's gonna *really* be hard for me to focus on any positive points but since the original Armitage III set is hard to find and you can't rent it then I'll have to try and look at it from that point-of-view. But I originally watched it on laser disc so if that's not a dead giveaway of how long I been watching this stuff then I don't know what is.
I always liked this series as I found it to be quite original using the 'humans and robots' story that can sometimes feel like it's tired from it's constant usage. Armitage III takes this plot and sticks it into a cyberpunk world that really shows it's originality by combining great animation and a soundtrack that fits perfectly using classic 80s sounding cheesy keyboard pop rock. This gives the entire movie a great dated feeling that makes it look like it was pushing the limit of technology at the time it was created. The thing about this butchered version though is that our two protagonists have had all shreds of characterization stripped from them leaving Ross looking like a 7 foot tall mannequin that's just being lead around and accepting everything he's told and Armitage going from kicking ass one minute to being depressed the next while questioning what she really is. This ultimately leaves you with a movie that sort of feels flat as you'll have trouble connecting with the characters since they will be rapidly changing their emotional state but enough of the plot is intact to still make it worth checking out. It still remains better than it's sequel Dual-Matrix.
I was disappointed with the DVD as it doesn't have the original Japanese track with it and you have to deal with Elizabeth Berkley and Keifer Sutherland trying to make an extra paycheck. While Berkley did a decent job with Armitage, Sutherland's performance as Ross sounded like he just phoned his lines in and called it a day. Branding anime with familiar names doesn't mean it's going to make it any better.
Armitage III (original opening)
Armitage III: Poly-Matrix (trailer)
Recommendation: |Average| for the movie, |High| for the uncut OVA series
Media type: DVD
From: Geneon
Spoken languages: English (movie), English;Japanese (uncut series)
Subtitles: None (movie), English (uncut series)
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