"Life is so dull. I just wish one day something amazing would happen that would change my life forever." is probably what 75% of the worlds population is thinking right about now. Well, so is 16 year old Tomokazu Mikuri, moaning and complaining about his upcoming birthday and to top it all off he doesn't even have a girlfriend. After his usual boring day Tomokazu drifts off to sleep but ends up having a very bizarre dream where he wakes up in some bizarre world in which he sees a young girl fighting some unknown enemy. However, the mystery girl takes a hit and falls from the sky landing in Tomokazu's arms which seems to give the young lady a second wind and with an enthusiastic "MONE!" (pronounced by her as, MOE-NEH) and a smile, she attacks her enemy again and utterly defeats it. When Tomokazu wakes from his strange dream he tries to decipher his vision he soon realizes that he's not alone as the dream girl is lying next to him in bed and greets him with a "Mone!" Oh yeah, Tomokazu got his birthday wish alright as life will never be dull again.
Reviewer: Endosanity
Number of episodes watched: 12
Ah, harem comedy animes... I never get tired of them. A bunch of cute girls, some doof, and a brainless comedy routine that will make you laugh or at the very least smile in some way or another and Yumeria is no different. But Yumeria does try to stand out a little by using a somewhat uncommon group of girls, 2 lolis, 2 buxom curvaceous teens, and a milf, now... before you say "Lolis? Oh yeah, bring this on!" I gotta tell you straight up that the story that brings everyone together falls a little on the idiotic side of things. So much to the fact that this series feels like it almost didn't want to use the plot about dream warriors at all but would have rather focused on one guy dealing with this wide age range of ladies all sharing the same interest in one guy. Because, after it uses this plot device to bring everyone together the show disregards it goes on to focus on home life, school life, and everyone getting along as one happy family. The few episodes that do delv into the dream world are very rushed and really serve no other purpose than to show girls in scantily clad outfits that always get a second wind and wipe out the enemy in one fell swoop. Is this a bad thing? Well... no, but you can't help but get the feeling that it's tacked on somehow and almost comes across as pointless.
Yumeria is the type of anime where you really have to go into it not expecting much at all because that's what you'll get in return and with that mindset you may enjoy it more than you probably thought you would. It's main plot about dream warriors and their challenge to save the Earth seems pushed aside and far from being the main focus as it's group of girls seems like what the show wanted to spend more time on and it did to some degree. Unfortunately, this anime can't seem to get it's focus straight as to how it wants to present itself to the audience and falls back on trying to use cute girls to divert your attention away from it's poorly told story and very loose ended characterization. And you know, it almost worked. In the end Yumeria is what it is and that's fun... just good, stupid, fun... and nothing more. Now, if you'll excuse me... I'm gonna go take a nap and see if I can pull a girl out of my dreams. Hey, why should only Tomokazu get to be so lucky?!?
Yumeria (opening)
Recommendation: |Average|
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