A virus, a demon than resides in the mortal world but usually cannot be seen by the mortal eye. However, there are only a few people that can see the viruses but if the virus realizes that you know of it's existence, you have also just become it's next victim. Sumire Takahana, is one such lucky person, after she cut her finger on a broach she found that belonged to the demon hunter, Lucia Nahashi. Ever since then she has been able to see the mysterious otherwordly monsters and before Sumire falls prey to one of the demons she is saved by Lucia herself. Lucia then explains what is actually going on behind the scenes to the untrained eye and wants Sumire to join her in hunting down and exterminating the viruses. Sumire eventually agrees but while on a hunt to exterminate more viruses, Lucia soon discovers that Sumire can not only see the Viruses but also holds a power within her that's far more deadly than the Viruses themselves...
Reviewer: Endosanity
Number of episodes watched: 12
Okay... girls with guns, check. Hideous monsters, check. Lots of action, check. Lolis... ... ch-check? Well, what we have here looks to be the makings of a great action series but I'd hate to break it to you, this anime is nothing what you hoped it would be. It opens with a rockin' intro song followed by having you watch Sumire and Lucia quickly dispose of a few enemies with very little background on the viruses that they are fighting, but it's just enough of an explination to keep you from asking questions about what is going on. But after a couple episodes, Venus Versus Virus starts presenting it's character depth and also a detailed history to bring the story up to present day. The thing is, we've got two good looking girls here and with a short series like this you're not going to care about their past or how everyone is involved by some mishap. No, you just want to put a gun in these girls' hands and throw them into battle, mini-skirts and all, and watch them kick some demon ass. Venus Versus Virus is the type of show that wants to explain everything in detail but it doesn't really need to because it's target audience isn't going to care, I even found myself growing bored with it unless bullets were flying through the air and demons were launching attacks that defied the laws of physics. And the bottom line is that while Venus Versus Virus spends all its time making sure no plot holes are left behind, it also cuts itself short leaving the audience with an ending that has absolutely no closure.
It's got some good animation, and a solid story to back it up, but at it's core... this is an action series that also wants the viewer to have an in-depth look at everything you'll be watching. But oddly enough, this makes it boring... you'll just be wanting to see two girls opening up a can of whoop ass on anything that gets in their way but it just doesn't happen enough. Instead, you'll be watching 12 episodes of an anime that tries to explain the mysterious first 10 minutes at the beginning of the series but instead ends it with the same cliffhanger that no one will save you from.
Venus Versus Virus (opening)
Recommendation: |Below Average|
*Note - This anime was tagged as yuri (lesbian). Well, other than what you see in the intro, there is none, nothing, not even two girls holding hands during the show so I have no idea where the hell that came from.
*Note 2 - About halfway through the series, Netflix canceled my rental and said that Venus Versus Virus has been replaced by a new version and sent me that one instead. So, I had to watch the last 4 episodes with FUNimations re-release. If you're wondering, yes, they did change ADV's original release putting 6 episodes per disc, which is cool, but changed ADV's subtitles with their own usual white-shadowed subs which was a huge disappointment as the ADV subtitles were far superior. Not that it really matters because this series isn't worth more than a rental to begin with.
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