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Sunday, July 19, 2009
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Eden of the East

What would you do if you woke up one day standing on the side of the street across from the White House, stark naked, holding a pistol in one hand and a cellphone in the other? This is the predicament that Akira Takizawa finds himself in, but the main problem is he doesn't know who he is, how he got in front of the White House, or... why he's in the buff. But, he does take a little time to help a girl, Saki Morimi, who is being harrassed by the police for throwing a coin onto the lawn of the White House. Akira manages to get the attention of the police but also hides in time that they lose track of him. Thankful for his intervention but embarrassed by his choice of clothing, Saki gives Akira her coat and scarf and, accidentally, her passport. As Akira begins his quest for self identity, he wants to know why his phone is charged with 8.2 billion yen in digital money, who is this mysterious person named Juiz is that answers his phone and asks him to continue working as Japan's savior, and where to get a pair of pants. What he doesn't realize is that Saki has unwillingly joined his trek just because she chased after him to get her passport back.
Reviewer: Endosanity
Number of episodes watched: 11
Eden of the East has, perhaps, one of the greatest setups to a series that I've seen in a while and the surprising part... it works extremely well. This anime will have you hooked in just one episode, hell, it doesn't even need that to keep you hanging on. As the viewer will want to find out about Akira's strange past just as much as he does. And lucky for us, Saki's presence is not that of a timid helpless girl that gets strung along but instead uses her own connections through friends to help Akria's self discovery and progress the story along quite nicely. Another thing I have to give Eden of the East credit for is blending the main plot with the characterization as they are one in the same because the main reason you're watching the show is to keep finding out more about Akira, why is he considered a savior, and what's the deal with the cellphone. With all these things happening though, Eden of the East begins to stack more complicated issues on top of one another with things like terrorism, political issues, and integral fighting with others that carry the same mysterious cellphone, so now the main downside does turn it's ugly head... 11 episodes. As you can imagine, this is no where near enough to present any kind of closure which is why Eden of the East is to continue on into animated films in the future.
For now, this is a really good series that while it doesn't end in a major cliffhanger it's enough to make you wish it had a longer run. The animation may seem a little lacking at times but you come to realize that this is the intended style for the show by giving it it's own look and feel. With a cryptic plot that's too complex for the short run time, for what's there... Eden of the East is an excellent show with it's refreshing plot and level headed cast to present itself with, it should be on any anime fans "must see" list.
Eden of the East (opening)
*Note - Yes, that's Oasis you're hearing in the opening.
Recommendation: |High|
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Venus Versus Virus

A virus, a demon than resides in the mortal world but usually cannot be seen by the mortal eye. However, there are only a few people that can see the viruses but if the virus realizes that you know of it's existence, you have also just become it's next victim. Sumire Takahana, is one such lucky person, after she cut her finger on a broach she found that belonged to the demon hunter, Lucia Nahashi. Ever since then she has been able to see the mysterious otherwordly monsters and before Sumire falls prey to one of the demons she is saved by Lucia herself. Lucia then explains what is actually going on behind the scenes to the untrained eye and wants Sumire to join her in hunting down and exterminating the viruses. Sumire eventually agrees but while on a hunt to exterminate more viruses, Lucia soon discovers that Sumire can not only see the Viruses but also holds a power within her that's far more deadly than the Viruses themselves...
Reviewer: Endosanity
Number of episodes watched: 12
Okay... girls with guns, check. Hideous monsters, check. Lots of action, check. Lolis... ... ch-check? Well, what we have here looks to be the makings of a great action series but I'd hate to break it to you, this anime is nothing what you hoped it would be. It opens with a rockin' intro song followed by having you watch Sumire and Lucia quickly dispose of a few enemies with very little background on the viruses that they are fighting, but it's just enough of an explination to keep you from asking questions about what is going on. But after a couple episodes, Venus Versus Virus starts presenting it's character depth and also a detailed history to bring the story up to present day. The thing is, we've got two good looking girls here and with a short series like this you're not going to care about their past or how everyone is involved by some mishap. No, you just want to put a gun in these girls' hands and throw them into battle, mini-skirts and all, and watch them kick some demon ass. Venus Versus Virus is the type of show that wants to explain everything in detail but it doesn't really need to because it's target audience isn't going to care, I even found myself growing bored with it unless bullets were flying through the air and demons were launching attacks that defied the laws of physics. And the bottom line is that while Venus Versus Virus spends all its time making sure no plot holes are left behind, it also cuts itself short leaving the audience with an ending that has absolutely no closure.
It's got some good animation, and a solid story to back it up, but at it's core... this is an action series that also wants the viewer to have an in-depth look at everything you'll be watching. But oddly enough, this makes it boring... you'll just be wanting to see two girls opening up a can of whoop ass on anything that gets in their way but it just doesn't happen enough. Instead, you'll be watching 12 episodes of an anime that tries to explain the mysterious first 10 minutes at the beginning of the series but instead ends it with the same cliffhanger that no one will save you from.
Venus Versus Virus (opening)
Recommendation: |Below Average|
*Note - This anime was tagged as yuri (lesbian). Well, other than what you see in the intro, there is none, nothing, not even two girls holding hands during the show so I have no idea where the hell that came from.
*Note 2 - About halfway through the series, Netflix canceled my rental and said that Venus Versus Virus has been replaced by a new version and sent me that one instead. So, I had to watch the last 4 episodes with FUNimations re-release. If you're wondering, yes, they did change ADV's original release putting 6 episodes per disc, which is cool, but changed ADV's subtitles with their own usual white-shadowed subs which was a huge disappointment as the ADV subtitles were far superior. Not that it really matters because this series isn't worth more than a rental to begin with.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Phantom: The Animation

After arriving in L.A., Reiji Azuma (who is later nicknamed Zwei) manages to get himself dropped off in the wrong area of town after a taxi ride since his English isn't so good. While passing by a local club he finds himself in the middle of an assassination taking place but Reiji is able to pinpoint the sniper in an instant and runs for cover. But he's a little slow as the sniper decides to take Reiji on in hand-to-hand combat. Even though Reiji is able to avoid his attacker (the mysterious Ein) quite well, he is ultimately overcome and before he is killed he is given one choice... become an assassin or die. With little choice, Reiji joins this secretive underground guild of assassins.
Reviewer: Endosanity
Number of episodes watched: 3
Phantom is an anime that has some really good looking animation with a somewhat engaging plot to match. The only problem here is that it's quite short as we've got some great protagonists like Ein and Zwei who are quickly pushed together in one episode then ripped apart in another. This gives you a sense of frustration since you'll be thinking these two work together well but just when things get really interesting the series steps up and lets you know it's time for the credits to roll and changes everything in an instant by ending it.
Phantom is the type of anime that is great to watch but don't let yourself become to attached to anyone as it will strike a chord then end abruptly. Watch it for the story as it's quite good and the gun fights are intense and just take everything at face-value because if you try to search any deeper you're really not going to find anything. If that works for you, then definitely give this a try but don't be surprised if you find yourself wanting more, because the downside... what you just saw is all you're gonna get.
With only 3 episodes I say pop some popcorn, crack open a beer... I mean a can of Coke, and watch the next 90 minutes fly by as it's not a bad little mini-series.
Phantom: The Animation (opening)
Recommendation: |Average|
*Note - This review only applies to the 3 episode OVA that was released in 2004 by Anime Works.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009

You ever have one of those days? You know, the kind where you accidentally crash your motorcycle into an ancient relic and end up releasing powerful spirits into the mortal world that have a distaste for the human race. No? Oh... me neither. But that's just the kind of day Ameri Kawai is having when she loses control of her scooter and in smashes itself into a land relic that contained spirits called Tayutai. It might not have been so bad if she hadn't rammed the scooter headlong into the relic while Yuuri Mito, a resident of the local shrine, was performing a ritual to transfer the spirits to another location. So, not only are hundreds of mischievous Tayutai released but also the goddess that keeps watch over them, Kikuramikami no Hime, that materializes as a young girl as most of her power is lost upon her arrival in the human plane of existence. Although Kikuramikami is able to catch most of the Tayutai, three of the most powerful escape with the intent to destroy the human race. Not only that, but Yuuri now finds himself having to care for the god that his shrine worships as Kikuramikami claims Yuuri is going to be her husband. Yeah, it's going to be one of those days... years... lifetimes...
Reviewer: Endosanity
Number of episodes watched: 12
Just what is it about about taking a good looking woman and adding wolf or cat ears and a bushy tail to match that drives most of us anime fans wild? I... don't know... but I do know this, it works and Tayutama is no different. Throughout the series Tayutama tells a story of Kikuramikami (later named Mashiro for her love of sweet foods) in her human form fighting to bring all Tayutai's to co-exist with humans with the help of Yuuri as the son of a shrine owner who is learning to use his family's hidden powers at the same time. While this is all well and good there is a parallel story being presented here... that of a relationship between a god and a human and the jealousy it causes amongst his friends. While Yuuri simply accepts Mashiro's self proclaimed marriage to him this seems to stir up some unrest with Ameri and brings about a jealousy streak that almost destroys the human race as she finds herself unwillingly helping the enemy. This also provides a third story element that, while very minuscule in presentation, plays a big part in the overall outcome by showing the viewer that it doesn't matter what you look like on the outside, it's what is on the inside that counts. Now, most everyone in the show may be calling Mashiro a "monster" or a "threat to humanity" even though she wants to save the human race, the fact remains that she's so damn cute while sporting a set of wolf ears and the tail that it makes Yuuri's so-called "dilemma" seem more like a blessing to me.
The main downside to this anime is that while all this sounds intriguing it's put with some very stiff looking animation, almost to the point where it sort of seems completely computer generated. Although this probably is not be the case you can't help but thinking that while watching this anime play out. Even though Tayutama has it's schmaltzy plot of trying to get humans and spirits co-existing, and scripted fight scenes where our heroes, Mashiro and Yuuri, take a beating then get a second wind and destroy their opponent in one fell swoop, the main reason most anime viewers will watch this is for the romantic conflicts that are involved in being loved by a god and what the greater outcome will be. With nothing new to offer, Tayutama is still a decent show but not one that will have you coming back for a second viewing.
Tayutama (opening)
Recommendation: |Average|
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
I, My, Me! Strawberry Eggs

Hibiki Amawa is in a bit of a bind, the rent for his new apartment is due and he hasn't landed a job yet. Fully optimistic that he can get a teaching job at the nearby Seito Sannomiya Private School he confidently applies for an open position but is quickly denied because to his gender. Offended by being rejected for a job he is qualified for simply because he's a man, Hibiki isn't about to give up and because the landlady, Lulu, wants to make sure she gets her rent payment she offers to help Hibiki get the teaching position. However, what Hibiki didn't expect was that Lulu's plan was to have him re-apply for the position again... as a female. With his tenacious attitude, Hibiki isn't about to back down from the challenge and with a little make-up, hair coloring, a feminine voice changing collar, and one mini-skirt later, Hibiki finds himself with a job... as the girls' gym teacher.
Reviewer: Endosanity
Number of episodes watched: 13
It's not often that I come across a show where the typical male is a minority and fighting a female dominated system by becoming the enemy. Actually, I've never seen a show like that until now. But that's not really the main focus of I, My, Me! Strawberry Eggs. What you'll be watching is how one woman... er, man... practically changes the student society of an entire school just by being himself despite the feminine appearance he maintains. With this, the anime takes on more of a feel-good presentation as you watch Hibiki not only systematically change some of the school's more constricting regulations offering the students more freedom but also building interpersonal relationships with his students and showing them that it's okay to be a teenager... even at school. Eventually Hibiki's influence upon the kids tends to take on a stronger role when he unknowingly also helps one student, Fuko Kuzuha, realize that she's a lesbian and in love with the female Hibiki. So not only is Hibiki stirring up trouble for the school's president but also now has a 14 year old student pining for him when he's wearing a mini-skirt and with all this tension building up you will begin to realize, this isn't going to end well.
The animation is a little on the dated side but it's still put with a good story that keeps you interested with a relaxed atmosphere throughout most of the series. There is also a little bit of comic relief here and there by using some uncomfortable situations involving Hibiki trying to adjust to the female way of life and also, two stupid perverted characters, Mori and Tofu, always looking for the next scam just to look up the nearest skirt. With this, I, My Me! Strawberry Eggs tries to trick you into ignoring the overall scope of things to come but quickly reminds you of the main situation at hand once that last episode has begun. When the final credits have starting rolling you might not be left with the closure you were hoping for but that doesn't stop I, My, Me! Strawberry Eggs from being a good little show.
And no, I don't get the title either...
I, My, Me! Strawberry Eggs (opening)
Recommendation: |Average|
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