Tokyo, metropolis of wonder, you might think of visiting the theater, or maybe sampling the local cuisine, but while you're out you may have to avoid the living dead that are wandering the streets. Tatsuma Hiyuu and his group of misfit friends, Kyouichi Horaiji, Aoi Misato, Komaki Sakurai, Yuuya Daigo, and Aoi's self proclaimed protector, Hisui Kisaragi are all set to the task of discovering the source behind bizarre happenings that are going on. But upon further investigation it seems that there is a greater power that is more than mere magic that is causing the recently deceased to return to the world of the living. Luckily for this group of mismatched teens... they all possess some great spiritual power, for some reason or another, as they set out to put an end to the zombified uprising as well as obliterate any other supernatural threat that dares to endanger Tokyo.
Reviewer: Endosanity
Number of episodes watched: 26
Well, that about covers the first two episodes. Tokyo Majin is the type of series that reads great in it's description but as the series progresses you start to find that you begin asking yourself just what the hell are you watching. This series wants to be a complicated presentation with it's story of supernatural beings that cause trouble throughout Tokyo and bear a grudge against mankind. Then you watch as the super powered heros step in to stop any problems that arise but this in itself is sort of a hindrance because Tokyo Majin begs to be questioned. Why is that demon attacking? Where did it come from? Why? And just where did this group of select teen protagonists happen to obtain enough divine power to shake the very foundation of humankind itself? The answer... you don't know, you won't know, and as the show goes on you practically feel that you just can't accept this as it is. Now, Tokyo Majin will give you a tad bit of background on one of the many enemies that are faced or perhaps something about one of our heros but honestly, it's just not enough and as you're presented with fabulous hand to hand combat scenes with magical outcomes one question will constantly remain... "Why?" and to that I would have to say I am just as lost as you are.
While you're given some great artwork and a story element that relies heavily on the supernatural it just doesn't follow through with the characterization to back up the mysteries of the unknown making for one confused mess of an anime. Not only that but throughout the series you will have to listen to how all of the protagonists deem themselves worthless and will constantly try to empathize with the audience to feel for their plight but it garnishes nothing more than loathing towards each character and their complete lack of self preservation without crying to weak friends the sympathize.
An anime that reads better in it's description than presents itself to the viewer, Tokyo Majin raises more questions than it can answer in it's bizarre two part one season run and put with the extremely poor self loathing characters, just doesn't deliver the show you had hoped to expect. If you think you can accept this at face value then by all means, watch it but otherwise... just pass and move onto another series.
Tokyo Majin (opening)
Recommendation: |Very Low|
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