They say on the moon there is a shrine. Why? Uh... hell I don't know. This wasn't really touched upon in the beginning so let's just skip ahead and meet Himeko Kurusugawa and Chikane Himemiya who are about to share their 16th birthday, on the same day. However instead of being a day to celebrate, an ancient evil that has vowed to destroy the Earth awakens called the Orochi and it's worshipers whom of each posses a mecha of mass destruction. One of these worshipers is Himeko's friend Souma who at first is determined to kill Himeko but by some realization he decides to protect her and becomes defiant to the god he unwittingly follows and in turn attacks the other worshipers. After a destructive battle, Himeko is left homeless and Chikane offers her a place to stay in her mansion. After the Earth shaking turn of events Souma's older brother Kazuki, who is also priest, explains to Himeko and Chikane they are the target of the Orochi because they are the only ones who can summon The God of Swords and stop the Orochi from annihilating humanity. With Souma's help, the girls start the series of events in motion to save humanity and planet Earth.
Reviewer: Endosanity
Number of episodes watched: 12
Seems like alot of story there eh? Well, you're right. That's kind of the problem you're going to encounter with this series, it tries to do far too much in too little time. So much to the fact that it almost feels like you're being jerked around in the story and alot of what you watch starts to become an incoherent blur and doesn't mesh well with the rest of the story elements that are being presented to you. Kannazuki no Miko wants to be a yuri romance and a mecha action battle anime at the same time and unfortunately fails at trying to mix these together making the mech battles seem practically unnecessary. For one, there are just too many of them for this short run making for roughly one battle per episode which contains nothing more than alot of yelling and fast scrolling backgrounds that ends with a one-two punch resolution. Through this chaos you're also watching Himeko and Chikane's relationship blossom but the odd appearance of huge ass mechs out of thin air and causing trouble starts to become more of a nuisance because the romance gets put aside so you can watch some over glorified fight with big robots.
I'll say this, Kannazuki no Miko is one of the few animes that has a bizarre cast of people bent on destroying Earth as they all had very colorful personalities. The sad thing is that nothing, NOTHING, is explained as to why they hate humanity so much other than a still frame showing some agony in thier life and that really could have been dwelled upon and even showed their side of the story and maybe stir up a little inner conflict in the viewer but alas... you get nothing. This is one anime that could have gone into the 20+ episode region and garnished more interest but as it is, it remains a confusing rush of plot devices that are just being way more complicated than they needed to be. Even the romance aspect between Himeko and Chikane gets sidetracked sometimes and if it were not for the over-dramatized final episode this anime probably would have fallen deeper in the realm of "wait... what?"
Recommended? Not really... even though the animation is decent, the mechs, action, yuri (lesbianism), magic girls, just don't work together very well here. Other than the catchy opening and closing music by Kotoko... there's not much here to get you through the series without losing interest.
Kannazuki no Miko (opening)
Recommendation: |Below Average|
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