In A.D. 200X, World War 3 began. All of Earth's cities, including Tokyo, became the targets of bombings, and were bathed in frightful red flames. Half a century has passed since then. The contaminated former epicenter is still isolated from the city creating a hole in the middle of Japan... it is commonly known as the Black Spot. As time passed people began to inhabit this wasteland. They were deemed unnecessary by those who lived in cities. Among these unnecessary people were one who could command strange abilities. Fire, wind, gravity... they had the ability to control these supernatural powers. Thus, those who possessed Fragments were regarded with fear as... The Needless!
Reviewer: Endosanity Number of episodes watched: 24
That synopsis up there is actually the intro to the show since I couldn't have given a better synopsis on my own. Anyway, you ever watch an anime series hoping for something new or different only to find out the show falls back on some typical stereotype? The over-powered protagonist, ninjas who yell out their next attack instead of using stealth, scantily clad babes (actually, I never get tired of that one), the cool acting villain, and how the heroes get a second wind in a fight just by telling each other during the heat of battle that they can win if they work together. You know what I'm talking about. Well, what if anime took all these over-used stereotypes and put them all together, throwing in some lolis and loads of panty shots into one series and what you will get, is Needless. An anime that doesn't try to be something it's not, but instead, just the opposite.
Needless wants to be as shameful as possible and cliched as hell and damn does it succeed, and this is what makes it so great. Story? Please... it's just one gigantic battle for power of good vs. evil. The fight scenes are over-the-top epic and can stretch out for multiple episodes. And did I mention there were girls? Lots of girls... lots of half naked girls? No? Well, it's time for you to die and go to Heaven as the girls of Needless are the embodiment of awesomeness. Whether they be good or evil, underage or not, you can't help but love every minute these ladies are on screen whether it be from minor banter, fighting, or just showing you their panties, Needless manages to take all this, adding in some perfectly timed humor to the mix, and throws it into one big melting pot of chaos that you'll be more than happy to partake in.
A total "guys" anime from start to finish that doesn't want to break the mold but instead re-use it as much as possible in 24 flashy episodes. The entire show is a riot and the forced mediocrity makes it all that much better.
Mushi, supernatural lifeforms that co-exist with humans but go unseen by most. Mushi are creatures of habitat that have their own methods of survival and even though the Mushi are only acting upon their own instincts, it sometimes clashes with the human way of life... even endangering it. For this there are certain individuals who can not only see the Mushi, but also, provide assistance to anyone whose life may be affected by the presence of a Mushi even though they may not know it. Ginko, is one such individual... A Mushi-shi. Ginko is a traveling man that jouneys from town to town on a never-ending quest to help humans and Mushi to co-exist even if the methods may seem unorthodox and also gives healing to individuals whose lives have been negatively affected by the presence of a Mushi. Follow Ginko in his travels to help mortals co-exist with the supernatural... one person at a time.
Reviewer: Endosanity Number of episodes watched: 26
Out of all the anime I've seen, Mushi-shi manages to do something that no other anime has. It manages to create a relaxing atmospheric viewing experience for the audience without relying on anything but it's own calming aura to captivate the viewer. There's no action, guns, or blades, no re-occurring characters, no ninjas, and no babes. Just one man trying to help people cope with the fact that there isn't always a logical explanation to everything that happens. As Ginko assists people who encounter a Mushi you begin to realize that the Mushi aren't just some trouble-making pest but rather an entity that roams on a parallel plane of existence that is doing nothing more than what comes natural. The interesting part is that each Mushi's method of survival sometimes tends to have adverse affects on some living creatures, especially humans, and this is where Ginko comes in by either expelling the Mushi, relocating them, or assisting someone in living with a Mushi.
There are also times you'll get to see Ginko learn that his intervention is not always needed either. Ginko himself is a rather likable character as his laid back attitude and his level-headed way of explaining mysterious happenings are informative and easy to understand. But, as the show progresses you might find questions start to arise in the back of your mind about Ginko himself but Mushi-shi already predicted this and there are a few episodes that are dedicated to explaining where Ginko came from and how he become a Mushi-shi. The anime even manages to give some back story as to why you only ever get to see one of his eyes after this the anime quickly returns audience to following Ginko again and to what his next challenge is.
Now, you're probably thinking that this all sounds rather boring and I'll be honest with you... if the thought having to learn something about what you're watching sounds lame then you may want to pass on this altogether. While Mushi-shi is a no-frills anime it does expect the viewer to actually learn about the Mushi through the shows episodic presentation and this is what captivated me because I actually wanted to know more about these supernatural beings and how they exist. With this, Mushi-shi is a rare and very enjoyable experience from beginning to end and is highly recommended. The only real mystery that is never solved is why is it that Ginko is wearing modern day clothes while everyone elses wardrobe is from a previous time period? Mushi-shi (trailer)
Recommendation: |Very High|
Media type: DVD From: FUNimation Spoken languages: English;Japanese Subtitles: English
After moving back to her hometown, Satsuki Miyanoshita's first day at school doesn't go as planned when her younger brother Keiichirou decides to bring along the family cat, Kaya, to school with him. After Kaya is discovered hitching a ride in Keiichirou's backpack he decides to run off ahead but ends up going into an old school building which is said to be haunted. After teaming up with her annoying neighbor Hajime Aoyama and the schools self appointed paranormal researcher Leo Kakinoki along with Satsuki's friend Momoko, they all enter the abandoned school to search for the cat but end up encountering a troublesome little demon named Amanojaku. Although the ghost hunting youngsters manage to banish Amanojaku from the building with the help of Satsuki's deceased mothers book of spirits, something went wrong and Amanojaku ends up possessing her cat Kaya instead. Now due to local urbanization taking place, more and more spirits are re-awakening but with the help of her friends and one back talking cat with a bad attitude they decide to continue the use Satsuki's book of spirits and put the vengeful entities back in their resting place.
Reviewer: Endosanity Number of episodes watched: 20
Four kids and a talking animal confronting a new ghost or monster in every episode. This sounds sort of familiar but I just can't seem to put my finger on it... Anyway, Ghost Stories can be summed up in two words, horror light. It's the type of show that can create a tense an creepy atmosphere and still deliver somewhat of a scare without using any intense horror elements at all. There's no blood and no body count, even the ghosts themselves aren't very frightening in appearance but each of them does have a rather interesting story to tell as to why they still roam the world of the living. However, no matter how hopeless things look, our band of pre-pubescent paranormal sleuths always manage to find a way banish the spirit so that it never returns to our mortal world. This makes the show predictable but still enjoyable at the same time but before this anime received it's DVD release, ADV decided to do something a little different to make the show stand out in it's own way by making the English dubbed track more of a comedy routine in which it has the characters breaking the fourth wall, making American pop culture references, and just flat out ad-libbing random lines that in no way match the original script. Of course, you can see the original dialog through the subtitles but ADV's attempt to take a mediocre anime series and add a little something extra in the way of gutter humor is definitely one of a kind. As for me, I just stuck with the subtitles. Hey, if I want to laugh at raw comedy as it was intended in an animated series... I'll go watch an episode of South Park.
Even though the animation is a little dated, the self-contained ghost stories in each episode are somewhat interesting but Ghost Stories doesn't try to be overly frightening nor does it want to be. This show seems to be targeted at a younger audience... as long as you stay away from the dubbed track. Because that one little audio switch changes this series into a tongue and cheek comedy that should be kept away from a youngsters ears at all costs.
Keita Suminoe has the good life, a roof over his head and his own room, a loving family, three meals a day, things just couldn't get any better. Or could they? When Keita's dad remarried he gained himself twin step-sisters who also love Keita very much... actually, they are *IN* love with Keita. Not only that, but his own father and step-mother both encourage him to make a choice and eventually get married to one of his own step-sisters! Although Keita thinks this whole scenario is completely wrong, he finds that maybe he does have some affection towards the step-sisters that make his life more complicated than it needs to be.
Reviewer: Endosanity Number of episodes watched: 3 (Sorry folks, that's all there is)
Now you gotta admit, the story of two step-sisters that are in love with their own step brother piques your interest just a little bit eh? Or should I say... a hell of a lot! Kiss X Sis is a no-holds-barred attack on a taboo subject that goes about it in such a way that you'll be laughing and getting turned on at the same time. There really isn't much of a story but the comedy routine that the show uses to present Ako and Riko's constant battle for Keita's affections beyond that of a family member is what keeps you coming back for more. And no matter how much Keita resists his sisters aggressiveness there is the occasional time he lets his guard down and things can get quite steamy. And to make this uncomfortable situation even worse for Keita is that his own parents encourage him to fool around with his own sisters which not only has you laughing but also almost finding hard to believe what you're seeing. This is what makes Kiss X Sis so great, taking something that would be shunned in the real world but as you watch the events unfold you find yourself encouraging the girls and also leaves you wanting much more than a mere 3 episodes.
It's sexy, it's hilarious, it's just good ol' plain sleazy fun, and the cock-tease soft core hentai presentation fits this uber short series perfectly and I can't recommend it enough. This *is* wincest!
(Sorry, no teaser video available)
Recommendation: |Very High|
*Note - Due to the OVAs popularity this anime has been granted a full series for the future. Life, now has meaning...
With biological terrorism on the rise, reporter Minoru Minorikawa is sent to Shanghai to an upcoming Anti-Terrorism Conference and is accompanied by fellow reporter Maria Osawa. During a local festival Maria witnesses a man in the audience fall victim to a strange death by writhing in pain and spurting blood before collapsing. Even though he is unnoticed by the public as he just seems part of the rowdy crowd, when Maria goes to examine the now non-moving body she is also unaware that two men donning costumes have drawn their guns with Maria as the target. Before she meets her demise, a woman runs up to Maria and grabs her hand to help her escape by rushing them both into the populous and also avoid a bullet that was meant for her. Maria then realizes her savior is Canaan, an expert in combat training, a skilled markswoman that can utilize the ability of synesthesia, and also... Maria's best friend. Even though Canaan has no time to explain the situation, Maria has just become the unwilling participant in a bio-terrorist plot to destroy the worlds leaders.
Reviewer: Endosanity Number of episodes watched: 13
Using mindless violence, unexplained deaths, blood, and an emotionally devoid female lead, Canaan wastes no time gaining your attention and manages to keep it for the entire series. Even though Canaan is an anime that uses the typical indestructible heroine, she's part of a much bigger story that has enough mystery and interwoven history that is all comes together as a well thought out story. But Canaan herself will remain indifferent to the audience as she and everyone else that becomes involved with her are not the main driving force behind the anime as it will rely more on it's somewhat complex story rather than trying to use characterization to divert the audiences attention. Another interesting aspect as you're watching the show is that you'll find yourself hating to admit it, but the enemy starts to become more interesting than the shows protagonists as they almost seem to have a valid point to their driving force to their path of destruction. With this the anime tends to balance everything out quite well and when put with nicely choreographed action scenes, it's got enough tenacity to push you through all 13 episodes without so much as taking a break.
Great animation, a plot that never falters, fluid action scenes, and enough female gunplay to make any man with a pulse happy, Canaan is one anime that is worth your time. Just don't be expecting to really connect with any of the shows characters as that's not the point here but more or less just to tell one hell of a tale.
Set in some unknown future, most of human civilization has been destroyed by a environmental catastrophe called the Seven Days of Fire that not only almost destroys humanity, but also the Earth's original ecosystem. Rebuilding itself, the Earth develops the Sea of Decay which is literally a growing jungle of giant plants, insects, and fungi. But the new natural self preservation, including the air within the Sea of Decay is lethally toxic. Among the scattered surviving human settlements is the Valley of the Wind and one of it's leaders Princess Nausicaa that seeks to bring peace between the warring human settlements and the insects. But when a plane crash lands nearby and the cargo is discovered to be carrying an embryo of one of the God Warriors from the Seven Days of Fire is found and Nausicaa realizes that things are about to go from bad, to worse.
Reviewer: Endosanity Number of episodes watched: 1 (it's a movie)
Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind is yet another story about what could happen if the Earth's own natural habitat is destroyed by the humans that live there but at least Nausicaa does this in a sci-fi setting that manages to keep things interesting with it's own unique vision of the future. When you think about the age of the film (1984), it's depiction of the barren wasteland that humanity struggles to survive in is very well portrayed in a way that has never really been presented before. Not only does this movie entertain you but also shows you that even after we've destroyed our own planet that humans are still fighting amongst each other for who gains control of nothing, which not only makes you think but is also showing you how pathetically sad humans can be. What makes it worse is when the story makes you realize that Mother Earth is trying to rebuild her environment for humans through "tough love" by using a lethal atmosphere and and deadly creatures to keep us away while she is at work, but humanity still seeks to destroy her opposition and each other through our own stupidity instead of leaving nature to take it's course. Princess Nausicaa and the Valley of the Wind inhabitants do realize this and attempt to make everyone understand but there are those who feel her message is all for naught and think that what the human race doesn't understand... should be destroyed. A movie and bonds with it's audience through a presentation of disparity and a warning of what life could be in things to come, Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind may end on a positive note but also manages to implant it's haunting vision of the future into the back of your mind.
The only real downside though is that the cast of characters that are devoid of any individuality making them completely uninteresting, but, luckily enough the plot tells a tale that is enough to keep your attention through the entire show even with it's environmentalist theme. The animation is a little on the dated side and the plot sounds like it would only appeal to hippies, once you watch Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind you realize just how far this anime movie was ahead of it's time. Worth a one time viewing. But y'know, with all those giant insects roaming around I couldn't help but keep thinking that I wanted a giant boot to come down and squash everything.
While in the midst of an alien invasion, photojournalist Tetsuya Wakatsuki uses it to his advantage to take pictures of the horrors of war. But Tetsuya puts himself too far into the midst of the battle field and ends baring witness to a few up close murders and it’s executioner… a scantily-clad green-haired woman with a big sword. She takes notice of Tetsuya’s inquisitiveness as he’s rapidly snapping pictures of her in action and turns and faces Tetsuya pointing her sword at him as if to claim him as her next victim. She charges towards him and raises her sword to bring his life to an end but Tetsuya dodges the attack and his alien attacker only manages to accidentally set off his camera and at close range, the flash stuns her. Tetsuya seizes the opportunity and grabs ahold of her pushing her against a wall and as the two are locked in a power struggle. But Tetsuya takes notice that he’s fighting a metallic bikini-clad attractive woman and that the alien girl has stopped resisting his feeble attacks. Tetsuya backs away not knowing what to think but she quickly walks towards him and plants a kiss on his lips and introduces herself a Kahm. Before Tetsuya can comprehend the situation, Kahm knocks him unconscious and takes him aboard her spacecraft as she has decided to claim Tetsuya as her husband.
Reviewer: Endosanity Number of episodes watched: 1 (Yeah, that's it, one 46 minute OVA)
Originally from 1986, this short film took almost 10 years to hit the U.S. and this little gem has all the story elements you could want packed within it's short 46 minute life span. You get action, thrills, science-fiction, and romance, in a neat little package that will be leaving you wanting for so much more. The thing is, even with it's truncated presentation it still manages to tell a fantastic tale. From the moment Princess Kham hits the screen you almost feel a slight hatred towards her until she realizes what she is doing is inherently wrong and she changes her status about the attack on Earth and it's amazing how this anime does this... in a matter of minutes! Your view will instantly change and you really start to like this bull-headed girl and her claim to Tetsuya as her husband. Not only that, but you also understand how Tetsuya is trying to comprehend all that is going on with everything being thrown at him at once and how he deals with it without being indecisive or overly shy. Also, this anime starts bringing in more and more side characters but the thing is they only need a moment of screen time to determine your feelings towards them as your outlook towards them will never change throughout the course of the show and this is what I really enjoyed about Outlanders. An amazing cast, a short but compelling story, a wonderfully orchestrated soundtrack, and one of the finest forms of quick but appropriate tsundere romances to ever hit the anime scene... Outlanders should NOT be passed up as the animation still stands out even after being over 20 years old.
(Sorry, no teaser video available)
Recommendation: |Very High|
Media Type: DVD From: Central Park Media Languages: Japanese;English Subtitles: English
*Note - Central Park Media is now defunct and this DVD is out of print. If any of you big conglomerate anime companies are reading this, please, do the anime community a favor and pick this up and re-release it!! *AND*... and put the original Dark Horse Comics dub with it as it was fantastic... and I *hate* dubs! Can't find it? Contact me as I have two, count them "t-w-o", copies of the original VHS tape that Dark Horse released and I'd gladly lend one to anyone wanting to do another DVD release with both the Central Park Media and Dark Horse dub on a DVD... along with subtitles of course. I'm not joking about this... anybody? Hello?
After receiving a tip about an underground club that caters to ones most bizarre and perverted desires for the right amount of cash, Tatsumi Saiga, a freelance photographer, decides to investigate. Saiga's lead proves to be true and after sneaking into the secretive establishment he also realizes that most of Japan's most powerful people are satisfying their lust for the strange in hiding from the public. As Saiga witnesses a bizarre ritual taking place at the center of the club he decides to try and get a closer look and notices a young girl (15 year old Kagura Tennozu) being lowered from the ceiling towards a a short pudgy looking customer in the center of the establishment. Saiga is in complete awe of the girl and decides to take a picture while the moment is right, however, he is immediately discovered and attacked by security and also the clubs patrons. As the young girl decends to the ground during all this commotion she kisses Saiga and awakens something within him, a bizarre desire and with the next picture Siaga takes... causes an explosion. Not one to question his new found power, Siaga escapes from the underground pit of hell taking the now confused girl with him to discover the truth behind whats happening to him.
Reviewer: Endosanity Number of episodes watched: 24
Take a picture and shit explodes, wow... talk about a lame superpower. Anyways, Speed Grapher did initially have my attention with it's gritty depiction of an underground club that caters to corrupted politicians and government officials by exploiting their hidden desires all for money. But once Siaga snapped a picture and it caused an explosion I found myself asking... "This? Are you kidding me?" I instantly lost almost all interest in the show as it not only had a ridiculous protagonist but it turned into a cat-and-mouse type of show of the Tennozu family taking Kagura back from Saiga and then Saiga turns and rescues Kagura again putting them both on the run from the Tennozu family once more. As this goes on for the remainder of the series it only barely touches upon it's gritty feeling the introductory episodes presented making it a rough ride to even to see the series through to the end.
Now even though Speed Grapher isn't all that great, I gotta admit that the character presentation is actually very well portrayed and manages to answer any nagging questions you may have. You learn the truth behind everyone, where they came from, where they are going and why they are the way they are... including the antagonists. But, this anime tries to put Saiga's enemies in a positive light towards the end of the series which seems out of place because at this point you already have a hatred towards these characters and the attempts at viewer sympathy towards the enemy are unwarranted leaving you wondering how long until they just die and get off your screen.
Speed Grapher is one anime that manages to shoot itself in the foot early on making the remainder of the series a lackluster experience that I myself was even tempted to hit the 'stop' button on my DVD remote. The only things that kept me moving on through all the episodes was to see if Saiga gives in and admits to being a lolicon and Ginza, the smokin' hot detective that abuses her power of authority to try and claim Saiga for herself, no matter what it takes. But, in the end as with all Gonzo shows, everything tries to end on a positive note which in this case makes almost no sense as it could have benefited more had the series stayed true to it's original roots.
Media type: DVD From: FUNimation Entertainment Spoken languages: Japanese;English Subtitles: English
*Note - The opening here is the original opening from the series that is done to Duran Duran's Girls on Film but FUNimation failed to obtain the rights to use the song and the opening for the DVD version was replaced by some cheesy synth music that's just plain crappy.
After moving back into the town where she grew up in, Fumi Manjome becomes reacquainted with her childhood friend, Akira Okudaira, that had disappeared from her life over ten years ago... and she doesn't even realize it at first. As both girls start reminiscing about memories past they come to realize that even after ten years of separation that nothing has changed between them. Even though the girls go to separate schools it has no affect on their friendship but when one of the ladies at Fumi's school, Yasuko Sugimoto, takes a liking to her and even asks her out. Although Akira supports her friends decision to date anyone she chooses, Akira can't deny the hint of jealousy that goes with it. Fumi and Akira are the best of friends but both girls also realize that there is alot more to thier friendship then they care to admit.
Reviewer: Endosanity Number of episodes watched: 11
ZZZzzzzz... hm? Oh, my bad, I just dozed off after watching an episode of Aoi Hana. Aoi Hana, it's a good show, really... it is. The problem here is that it moves so incredibly slow that it's almost impossible to watch more than one episode within 24 hours as it would probably bore the viewer into a negative outlook on the show. But, when watched in single episode viewings over a long period of time, Aoi Hana is actually quite the compelling story of yuri (lesbian) romance amongst high school girls. The only thing is that the plot doesn't quite move in the direction that you were hoping for. What do I mean by that? Well, if I told you that would be spoiling things just a little bit now wouldn't it? Even with Aoi Hana's concrete shoe wearing progression, it does a wonderful job of holding your attention through character relations with each other. As the story may be at a stand still at times, the anime never let's go of your attention while you're watching as you'll be seeing how each one of the characters relate to each other on some level whether it be by sharing similar interests in school activities or on a romantic level of some sort. This is where Aoi Hana shines by managing to show you something that will keep your interest in some way despite the shows lack of progression. Another thing that tends to stand out is the animation. When you look at the background you'll notice how the lack of detail is actually tastefully done on purpose. This not only gives the anime it's own look and feel but also helps you focus your attention to any character on screen no matter how small the part may be, the person speaking just seems to stand out in their own way.
Yeah, I might as well tell you right up front, Aoi Hana is a boring show. But, the thing is... once this anime snags you, you'll be like a fish on a hook and you almost can't stop watching as this shows fabulous character interaction and banter is what carries the non-existent plot along till any real progression is made. Recommended? Yes, but only as a show that's not top priority to finish and this will make for a more enjoyable viewing experience that emits an aura of calm once the show has finished making you glad you saw the whole series from beginning to end. Just make sure you take it in slowly, like an episode a week or so, and you'll find that you enjoyed this anime more than you thought you would.
*Note - Crunchyroll is best viewed with the Firefox web-browser with AdBlock Plus and NoScript plug-ins installed to prevent advertisements. You can also purchase a subscription for HD streaming content with no ads. Crunchyroll's online player is crap... but it works. Hey, what do you want for free?
Cromartie High School, well... uh... hm. Y'know, I'm kind of stumped here. How do you write a synopsis for an anime about nothing? I guess it goes a little something like this, Takashi Kamiyama has just enrolled himself into the famous school of delinquents, Cromartie High School. Instead of taking the high road and proving himself better than anyone at school, he attempts to better the student body through a series of stupid questions and idiotic situations that actually make the ruffians think before acting.
Reviewer: Endosanity Number of episodes watched: 26 (each clocking in at roughly about 10 minutes)
It's crazy, it's random, and it's pretty damn funny, it's Cromartie High School. An anime that manages to present it's own style while being as stupid as it wants to be and it pulls this off quite well. Each episode usually contains 2 small skit episodes which usually consist of nothing more than a bunch of close ups of peoples faces saying something random that you would not expect from a delinquent. Thinking about things like car sickness, how to become a famous comedian, and who gets to use the bathroom next, you'll either be laughing or sighing at this shows constant shallow humor. There are also the running visual gags like having a robot, a gorilla, and some guy that looks like Freddie Mercury during the later years, as fellow students that appear in almost every episode which I found to be freakin' hilarious. Despite this anime's ridiculous comedy routine, with each episode only being 10 minutes the Japanese dialog tends to come at you rather fast which is fine if you're a seasoned subtitle reader but otherwise things might fly by too quickly to read. Well, (and I can't believe I'm going to say this but...) flip it on over to the English dubbed track as it's actually not bad and listening to a bunch of gruff sounding guys belting out "Americanized" punchlines helped the one-liners sink in alot easier because some of the anime, manga, and Japanese culture parodied references might fall on deaf ears if you're not a veteran anime viewer.
Cromartie High School is a stupid show that will make you laugh at it's lame-ass comedy one way or another and dammit, you gotta respect that. Not something I'd recommend to rush to see but if you got 10 minutes to spare then watch an episode, laugh, then move onto something else but don't forget to come back because everyone needs a little brainless humor. But, if you don't understand this anime's take on humility, then please... go pick up your sense of humor you left at the door and leave.
Devoting her entire life to supporting her childhood love, Kyoko Mogomi has done nothing but wait hand and foot on the man she thought she loved, Shotaro Fuwa or "Sho" as he likes to be called. But when Sho grows bored with his life he decides to leave for Tokyo to become an entertainer and asks Kyoko to go with him and she gleefully agrees not knowing what Sho really has in store for her. Upon their arrival, Sho begins to pursue his new career leaving Kyoko to work multiple jobs, rent an expensive apartment to fit his needs, not to mention cooking and cleaning, all to support Sho's rise to stardom as a musician living nothing of her life for herself. However, upon delivering lunch Sho at the studio he works in, Kyoko overhears Sho telling his manager that he's been using Kyoko as a live-in maid and stepping-stone for his rise to stardom. Instead of shedding any tears Kyoko bursts out in a fit of anger vowing revenge upon Sho, but not by physical harm but instead by entering showbusiness for herself and destroying his career.
Reviewer: Endosanity Number of episodes watched: 25
Revenge, a dish best served cold. I love a good revenge story, one filled with hardships and complications to meet the ultimate end goal... to make your victem suffer and regret what they did to you with every fabric of their being. To me, Skip Beat started out so well and showed some serious potential. Only after a few episodes I also wanted to see Sho suffer as Kyoko was scary when pissed off, we're talking so scary that when she looks at the viewer you almost want to turn your eyes away from that accusing scorn. Unfortunately, about half way into the series, you start to realize the show started to move Kyoko away from her hatred fueled revenge plot to more of a trip of self discovery. I gotta say I was rather let down by the fact that this anime started to head off in a new direction as Kyoko starts to regain her compassion that was lost when Sho betrayed her. From here on in the show starts to become more of this realization of how Kyoko truly is underneath the surface but this isn't what I wanted, I wanted to see this naive girl turned cold-hearted bitch destroy a man's life... the man she once actually cared for. I wanted to see Kyoko push Sho down so hard the he has a complete mental collapse and decides to jump off the nearest bridge... but no. Instead, Kyoko starts to reflect on how her ulterior motive affects her showbiz career and those around her and everything turns into this personalized documentary of what goes on behind the camera and how there's more than what you're watching on-screen. With this change of events in the show, that look of death that Kyoko had in the beginning was gone no matter how much she scowled at the screen, the piercing gaze now only serves to remind you of that frighting girl you now probably miss from the beginning.
The animation is decent and I really liked Kyoko, when she was Hell bent on making Sho pay for wasting her life away. But as she grew soft, I lost interest, and it made it quite hard to continue watching. And on top of all this, Skip Beat is left with a bunch of loose ends and no real closure so that suggests a second season but I haven't heard anything and as it is... Skip Beat is rather hard to recommend. If this anime stuck to it's original roots... it would have been a different story.
*Note - You can purchase a subscription there for high definition streaming and no ads. The site is best viewed using Firefox with AdBlock Plus and NoScript installed for better playback with no ads. Crunchyroll's online player is less than spectacular but it works... sort of...
Twin X, the event named after an accident at the Heaven's Gate research facility that had a catastrophic affect changing the Earth's sky into a mirror-like ceiling destroying anything the comes near it and causing all electronics to no longer function. Below this dome of death, two teenagers, Tatsuya and Kiyoko Madoka are on the run from the Yakuza because of a debt owed by their now dead mother. Taking shelter from their pursuers and the rain, Tatsuya and Kiyoko in what appears to be an abandoned building. However, they happen upon a group teenagers dressed in skin tight leather outfits and display extraordinary psychic powers that call themselves "Gilgamesh". After the Gilgamesh teens quickly dispatch of the gunmen in chase, they come to realize the the two kids taking shelter in their humble abode are also the children of Dr. Madoka, the absent leader of their group whose dream it is create a new more powerful human race. Unsure of what powers Dr. Madoka's children may posses, the Gilgamesh try to convince Tatsuya and Kiyoko to join their group of gothic depressants.
Reviewer: Endosanity Number of episodes watched: 26
First off, I gotta apologize on that synopsis up there. My mind is a little cloudy since it took me over a year to finish this series.
... yyyyyeah...
Anyway, the first thing that will probably get your attention is how dark and brooding this anime's visual appearance is. Only a handful of colors make up the palette ranging from several different shades of gray and brown to a few dull instances of red, blue, and one very faded yellow... and that's it. Let me put it this way, this show makes you depressed just by looking at it even if the episode was on pause. Unfortunately, this doesn't help the overall boring plot that just slowly plods along and never seems to produce anything interesting to keep your mind from wandering off. The show did start out interesting enough with everyone displaying their psychic abilities and how much power they have but the story behind it is incredibly boring offering up nothing that you didn't already expect. By the time the show hits it's climax and puts everything together it only comes across as ridiculously lame and almost makes you want to shut off the last episode and not even finish it. And there really is no point in getting into any kind of character depth because you just won't care at all about a bunch of angsty teens whose constant barely audible mumbling make it seem like they are trying to be as uninteresting as possible on purpose. Well, it worked.
The only thing that sort of stands out about this series is the actual animation itself as it appears very out of the ordinary for anime trying to take on a more realistic appearance instead of the classic style that most are used to. Other then that, this show has nothing to offer other than showing you what happens when goth vs. emo is pitted against each other in a supernatural brawl. If that sounds interesting then by all means, check it out but as for me the interesting animation style just didn't mesh very well with the extremely slow moving plot and characters that had about as much enthusiasm as being awake only after two hours of sleep. Like I said, it took me over a year to actually get through the entire series.
Media type: Netflix 'Watch Instantly' internet streaming From: ADV/Section23 Spoken Languages: English Subtitles: None
*Note - This series is available on DVD that contains both Japanese and English audio and does have subtitles available. Information posted is what was watched for review.
1629, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan. Two samurai of incredible skill are about to face off against one another in a tournament and only one will walk away with his life. Fujiki Gennosuke, the one-armed swordsman will be fighting Irako Seigen who is both blind... and crippled. But before the duel begins, let's see what happened to bring these two together to this death match.
Reviewer: Endosanity Number of episodes watched: 12
Never before has show as powerful as this one drawn me in so quickly within the first episode. It wasn't the plot or that the characters held any real on-screen presence but it was the realistically styled animation combined with a wonderfully haunting soundtrack that it heightened the atmospheric tension making it so thick you could practically cut it with a knife. This is a magnificent presentation of a story that involves a samurai school called the Kogan-Ryuu school with it's own fighting techniques and secret stylized sword-fighting and it shows you all the hardships it's students endure to be accepted and remain as a pupil under it's demented grandmaster Kogan Iwamoto. This anime portrays this out to the audience so well that every time a blade cuts through the flesh or a balled up fist strikes with such power to dislodge a few teeth, the anime uses a quick yet very dramatic effect and you can practically feel the pain being inflicted upon the victim but at the same time you can sense the power of the predominant character. This presents you with clashing feelings of sympathy and dominance at the same time which is an incredible way of causing inner conflict in the viewer and when the blood flows... it comes as more of a shock to the system rather than something to be expected. Throughout the show not much is really spoken but the eerie soundtrack is more than enough to keep the audience wondering what will become of this school as things keep getting worse when things like money, power, and debauchery, enter the story you watch as one of the most extremely powerful samuari schools implodes into a shadow of it's former self.
Superb animation, a magnificent soundtrack that makes an incredible atmosphere that offsets it's lack of detailed characterization that sends chills up and down your spine, and enough blood to make you wince in pain every time you see it seep from a fresh wound, Shigurui: Death Frenzy should not be missed. Even if you're not an anime fan, give this two-disc set a shot as it will not disappoint.
*Note - I do not care for English dubbed anime so I can't comment on the English audio track. However, there were no typographical errors in the subtitles so this anime kept me enthralled the entire time. What are you standing around reading this for, go watch this... NOW!!!
*Note 2 - You may need to disable AdBlock Plus to view the videos. I've read that there are some issues with the online player that are being addressed. At this time it occasionally tends to lock up so if something happens, just refresh the page with the video and skip to the point where it left off and you're good. Videos play much more smoothly with the Firefox web browser.
Kazuma Yagami, a weak member of the Kannagi family of fire magic users. So weak to the point that he was banished from his own family for the inability to control flames. After leaving, Kazuma's desire to obtain greater power leads him into a "contract" with the Wind Lord that allows him to manipulate the atmosphere around him. After a four year disappearance, Kazuma returns as a freelance magic user employed to rid any demons that may be troubling someone... for the right price. However, when members of the Kagammi family are murdered by what appears to be wind magic, the blame immediately falls on Kazuma who doesn't really care about the situation but decides to defend his innocence anyway. As Kazuma teams up with Ayano, a flame sword wielding girl, and his younger brother Rin, he learns that the Kannagi family has more than one enemy. Kazuma is about to profit nicely for his services.
Reviewer: Endosanity Number of episodes watched: 24
Kaze no Stigma has to be one of the few shows where every episode annoyed me to the point of just wanting to shut it off, put the DVD back in the Netflix envelope and remove the rest of the series from my rental queue. Not because of it's lame plot or average animation but for the fact that I could not stand the protagonist, Kazuma. From the very first episode I kept thinking that this guy is a self-righteous prick and the thing is, he never changes and my hatred for this guy grew episode after episode. To make things worse, the anime tries to throw in this romance aspect between Kazuma and Ayano which almost felt like it was throwing a monkey wrench into a poorly kept machine only dragging the series down... as if the series could sink any further. These "romance" scenes usually consist of Kazuma being a dick, Ayano getting mad then getting flustered at him, and then some more of Kazuma being a dick. This doesn't compliment plot of elemental magic users (Avatar?) at all, but it doesn't matter anyway as the battle scenes all boil down to one thing, Kazuma getting pissed or acting all cool and destroying any enemy with his wind magic in an instant which becomes both boring and predictable after a couple of episodes. This series also suffers from the fact that it's way too long for it's own good. About halfway into the series hit it's peak with a huge battle and an episode ending that could have concluded the entire anime but no... now we get episodes of Kazuma and Ayano on a date, Kazuma and Ayano going to the amusement park, and of course... Kazuma being an asshole the entire time. What the hell is this crap? I thought I was watching an anime about families of magic users facing off against one another but this romance aspect is completely tacked on, tasteless, and a total waste of the viewers time.
As it is, Kaze no Stigma is neither entertaining nor satisfying in the least. It would have benefited more had character relations been kept to an extreme minimum because the main character, Kazuma, does nothing more than draw audience negativity upon himself. This would have fit the overall series better had magical action sequences been the main focus or maybe some sort of drama or comedy been interjected but no. What we get is a flimsy plot, a horribly failed romance aspect, poorly scripted action sequences, and in the end the typical Gonzo fashion... a rushed ending that makes you feel like the creators just wanted this series to end so they could be done with it. Kaze no Stigma is complete crap from start to finish that isn't worth anyone's time, and Gonzo... Ayano's constant panty shots didn't help at all and only made things somewhat sexy but still pathetic.
"Life is so dull. I just wish one day something amazing would happen that would change my life forever." is probably what 75% of the worlds population is thinking right about now. Well, so is 16 year old Tomokazu Mikuri, moaning and complaining about his upcoming birthday and to top it all off he doesn't even have a girlfriend. After his usual boring day Tomokazu drifts off to sleep but ends up having a very bizarre dream where he wakes up in some bizarre world in which he sees a young girl fighting some unknown enemy. However, the mystery girl takes a hit and falls from the sky landing in Tomokazu's arms which seems to give the young lady a second wind and with an enthusiastic "MONE!" (pronounced by her as, MOE-NEH) and a smile, she attacks her enemy again and utterly defeats it. When Tomokazu wakes from his strange dream he tries to decipher his vision he soon realizes that he's not alone as the dream girl is lying next to him in bed and greets him with a "Mone!" Oh yeah, Tomokazu got his birthday wish alright as life will never be dull again.
Reviewer: Endosanity Number of episodes watched: 12
Ah, harem comedy animes... I never get tired of them. A bunch of cute girls, some doof, and a brainless comedy routine that will make you laugh or at the very least smile in some way or another and Yumeria is no different. But Yumeria does try to stand out a little by using a somewhat uncommon group of girls, 2 lolis, 2 buxom curvaceous teens, and a milf, now... before you say "Lolis? Oh yeah, bring this on!" I gotta tell you straight up that the story that brings everyone together falls a little on the idiotic side of things. So much to the fact that this series feels like it almost didn't want to use the plot about dream warriors at all but would have rather focused on one guy dealing with this wide age range of ladies all sharing the same interest in one guy. Because, after it uses this plot device to bring everyone together the show disregards it goes on to focus on home life, school life, and everyone getting along as one happy family. The few episodes that do delv into the dream world are very rushed and really serve no other purpose than to show girls in scantily clad outfits that always get a second wind and wipe out the enemy in one fell swoop. Is this a bad thing? Well... no, but you can't help but get the feeling that it's tacked on somehow and almost comes across as pointless.
Yumeria is the type of anime where you really have to go into it not expecting much at all because that's what you'll get in return and with that mindset you may enjoy it more than you probably thought you would. It's main plot about dream warriors and their challenge to save the Earth seems pushed aside and far from being the main focus as it's group of girls seems like what the show wanted to spend more time on and it did to some degree. Unfortunately, this anime can't seem to get it's focus straight as to how it wants to present itself to the audience and falls back on trying to use cute girls to divert your attention away from it's poorly told story and very loose ended characterization. And you know, it almost worked. In the end Yumeria is what it is and that's fun... just good, stupid, fun... and nothing more. Now, if you'll excuse me... I'm gonna go take a nap and see if I can pull a girl out of my dreams. Hey, why should only Tomokazu get to be so lucky?!?
Momo Adachi has a slight "problem", she tans more easily than all the other girls in school. Well... she considers it a problem anyway because she heard the guy she likes, Toji, doesn't care for tan girls. To try and rectify this problem, Momo refuses to join the swim team she has been with for so long and also cover up as much as possible when out in the daylight just to get Toji to like her. But when her so-called friend Sae, who's actually more of a sadist that enjoys seeing Momo in emotional distraught, tries to find out who Momo likes Momo points to a boy named Kairi Okayasu just so Sae doesn't attempt to claim Toji for herself. Of course, Okayasu finds out about Momo's fake attraction to him and begins to tease her constantly about it even though he knows that Momo will only yell at him. But when Sae does eventually find out about Toji and tries to take him for herself, Okayasu is there to help Momo any way he can even if it means turning the entire school against Sae. Momo begins to think that there is more to the self centered jerk that Okayasu pretends to be.
Reviewer: Endosanity Number of episodes watched: 26
Hm? Oh, you need a little more detail then that eh? Well I thought that explained everything pretty well but alright. Peach Girl, as you can tell, is another romance anime but the thing that makes it stand out somewhat is the fact that it over-dramatizes everything heavily and then places situations like romance, jealousy, betrayal, discontent, and good ole angst in the hands of teenagers but mixes in comedy by using exaggerated facial expressions at just the right moment. I couldn't help but thinking while watching this that most people would have rather killed themselves than put up with the crap that Momo dealt with through the entire series and the comedy element starts to get phased out as the series progresses. But even my sympathy for Momo having to endure all this started to wane because more often then not... she brings emotional distraught upon herself. You watch Momo come to some realization every couple of episodes that she loves this guy, no... that guy, wait... maybe she was kidding herself all along and doesn't need anyone. Oh the turmoil! After a few episodes of this you'll be shaking your head in disbelief and ask "What the hell are you doing?"
I will say that Peach Girl did start out quite well. It began pulling me into the series as I initially liked Momo and I felt bad for her dealing with Sae's sadistic intent and Okayasu was hilarious and an easily likable character. And this was all well and good... for 5 episodes. After those first 5 episodes told a small tale of Momo trying to relay feelings to Toji but Sae making trouble for Momo and Okayasu causing trouble for Sae acting as Momo's revenge. After that, everything just turned into over-dramatized crap. Seriously, I could have dropped the series after the first DVD and not missed a thing and may have had a better overall outlook on this show.
With animation that makes you ask "What's with coloring everyone's upper lip black?", a ridiculous amount of drama, a plot that could have been finished in 5 episodes, and an opening that reminds you of the Ambiguously Gay Duo, Peach Girl holds about as much realism as a mid-day soap opera and makes you ask yourself "Do people really put up with this crap?" Recommended? Not really, unless you want to insult the shows characters while watching how much shit they deal with that makes your life look like a ride on cloud 9.
A hulking mass of a man that wields an abnormally large sword named Guts that calls himself "The Black Knight" takes the audience into his estranged past through medieval times filled with fighting, bloodshed, pain, and why he has a personal vendetta against demons.
Reviewer: Endosanity Number of episodes watched: 25
Think of Berserk as one big flashback because, well... it is. It gives you a little taste of The Black Knight's current lifestyle in the first episode and then delves into his past for the remainder of the series. The thing is, within that one episode, Berserk manages to raise enough questions that you'll want to know the answers to. Who is The Black Knight? Where did he come from? Why the big-ass sword? What is he so pissed off about? What's with that necklace thing? What happened to his eye? And the list goes on and on. Luckily, Berserk manages take all those questions and answer them with one hell of a compelling medieval anime that will never lose your interest the entire time. Not only can it keep action fans occupied with epic sword-fights and massive amounts of bloodshed but it also combines that with some remarkable character depth. From the moment Guts hits the screen this anti-hero's presence alone makes this series worth watching but when allies such as Caska, Judeau, and the homoesque Griffith become part of his life through forced intervention... things only get more interesting. Guts doesn't need anyone nor does he want anyone in his life but when people start forcing their way in he quickly builds up the emotional barriers but yet still holds respect for his allies and starts to acknowledge them on the battlefield as Guts begins to leave his self-centeredness behind. You'll see that the more Guts changes, the more he stays the same. Because, you'll never tire of seeing Guts cut someone in half with that huge sword.
Don't let the age of the series turn you away as it has some truly great animation and put with it's hand-painted backgrounds Berserk is one fantastic looking anime. Action, blood, a magnificent plot, enough character depth to bury you, and one of anime's greatest anti-heros, Berserk is one series that should not be passed up. The only downside here is that there is no sense of closure and will have you clamoring for a second season but since it's been over ten years things were looking bleak... until recently. Rumors of another season of Berserk have risen along with a few stills of the show but nothing has been confirmed. Maybe there's some hope after all.
The girls that bring death to your doorstep are back for a second season. Bullets fly, knives cut, and the blood still flows... somewhat, but this time... we get to see the young ladies outlook on life on a more personal level.
Reviewer: Endosanity Number of episodes watched: 13
Short synopsis eh? But really, there isn't much more to it than that from season one as all this anime does is expand upon season one on a more personal level this time around. We still have our group of under-aged assassins but for the second season the girls have something extra added to thier character... personality. You're either going to like or just not accept the new attitudes as it almost doesn't fit but the thing is that was one of my main gripes with the first season as everyone had about as much enthusiasim as a cardboard box. This time the girls will giggle, laugh, smile, get angry, cry, even show a little jealousy. But it's not just our loli assassins either, the handlers (or fratello in this season which means brother) are actually showing some compassion towards their little cyborg killer this time around. Hell, even other members within their government agency even support the idea that of instead of hiding emotions to let it be known that the fratellos actually care for or love their deadly sidekick. Now this... this was a complete opposite from the first season where the agency wanted emotions bottled up so as not to let the girls soften and become sidetracked.
So, does the new angle of characterization work for Gunslinger Girl II? In a word, no... This entire season is about as boring as the first and any real progress is only made in the last two episodes. Watching Guise get closer with Henrietta, seeing Triela's softer side and her fratello Hilshire responding to it, even Marco's regret from season one with him coming back as a more supportive somewhat likable person is all rushed development in the last couple episodes. If this had been mixed in with the lame terrorist plot and strung along the entire season things could have been more interesting but as it is all of it was done out of order and never really gets your attention until it's almost over.
I will commend the new animation style that gives you a more welcoming presentation rather than the cold look of disparity the first season had. But, the only real reason to watch this is if you've seen the first season and now you want to see how the girls spend their leisure time and that even though they are cyborgs they also have emotions. Less action, less bloodshed, weak ass main plot, but more characterization still makes for a boring series that holds about the same amount of interest it's first venture.
Gunslinger Girl doesn't really have a main plot. It's more of a collection of different stories about a government agency that's called The Social Welfare Agency. They perform odd jobs, usually assassinations using adolescent girls as the killers. These girls have been brought back from the brink of death through cybernetic implants and brainwashing to clear their minds for training and mental conditioning. Each girl is assigned a handler (... huh-huh... handler...) that will train the cyborg girl in weaponry and also provide emotional stability so the girls won't let feelings crowd their judgment.
Reviewer: Endosanity Number of episodes watched: 13
There is nothing cute about Gunslinger Girl, it's the exact opposite. It's an extremely dark look at the behind the scenes life of being an assassin but in this case focusing on the mental impact it has on each one of these kids. There is some action but it's not the focus here nor do you see things like half of a city being destroyed just because it's about robotic children, there is not even a single hint of comedy to be found. The series plays out at different angles focusing on a different girl every episode or two and her relation with her handler and what she is doing affects her life and how she reacts to certain situations... there really isn't a main protagonist although about half of the episodes will be about Henrietta and her handler Guise.
Even though this might sound like a really good series, I was sort of put off by the pacing which is quite slow and there wasn't much variety of situations. It's usually the same thing just with a different girl and I was sort of expecting something different each time but it never happened. The characterization is hit and miss here as each cyborg girl has her own attitude that sets her apart from the others but all the handlers are cold and callous and treat their cyborg sibling as just that... a cyborg. Only Guise sometimes let's Henrietta be what she really is, an adolescent child but he never forgets the overall scope of his job. Gunslinger Girl has some great animation, decent plot (or plots I should say), even the English track is done well it's just that I found it slow moving and lacked variety between episodes but that isn't what Gunslinger Girl is trying to give you. It wants you to see the hard truths of how the world may be viewed by a killer that happens to be a soulless child.
Ah Tokyo, this large metropolis seems to be a magnet for all types of natural disaster. Well, it's also the center of attention for supernatural catastrophes as well as a strange anomaly dubbed as Hell's Gate appears in Tokyo destroying life, wreaking havoc on the landscape, and replacing the sky with it's own roof over the world. Along with this epic event strange individuals started appearing that displayed bizarre powers called contractors, but these powers have a price each time they are used... the cost of their own humanity. Hei, is one such contractor. Taking on the appearence of a kind-hearted man from China while "off duty", Hei is actually the masked assassin named The Black Reaper working for an unnamed organization simply known as The Syndicate eliminating any target set before him using the power of electricity mixed with his own quick reflexes. Along with fellow Syndicate members Yin (the spirit medium) and Mao (a talking cat), both working together to finish jobs assigned to them under the supervision of Huang who, unlike his team-mates, is not a contractor. Though through Hei's most recent assassination assignments his past and the mystery of Hell's Gate catches up with him dragging what few friends he has into the turmoil.
Reviewer: Endosanity Number of episodes watched: 26 (25 + 1 OVA)
Trench coat wearing assassin dude with a mask named The Black Reaper that appears after something called Hell's Gate has opened. Sounds pretty cool huh? Well... it is. Darker Than Black doesn't waste any time in getting the audiences attention with it's cool looking protagonist and slick stylized battles with other contractors that posses some strange ability. But, after a couple of episodes of that, Darker Than Black knows that it already has your attention and can start presenting some of the more subtle elements of the story while keeping your attention at the same time. And this works, to a certain point. Eventually, you're going to start missing the energy that the first few episodes came across with which does return to some degree but what we're given just sort of feels that it's not enough. Luckily, Darker Than Black's mysterious plot line helps to replace that gap left by it's own introductory episodes to pull you along and find out just what they hell is going on in the world today. But, while you will start to learn about Hei the series will also branch off and start delving into each characters past which can get downright boring. Hey, I'm usually all for character development but it's usually if the people onscreen are interesting but here we're looking at... a talking cat, an autistic acting young girl, and a short fat dude with a big-ass nose. Sorry... not interested. Well... okay, Yin's story (the girl who's a medium) was a little interesting but it didn't clear up any mystery about her at all and the episodes spent showing you her past doesn't give you a conclusion that you already figured out on your own. For everyone else, what you have to sit through really isn't all that interesting and is just wasting time.
Darker Than Black, an anime that puts itself at a fork in the road and took the wrong path. Instead of working a bit more on the mysterious plot it presents itself with it opted for character development instead. Usually, that's the best option but with the level of complexity behind the story here this anime should have worked more on that than trying to explain it's lackluster side characters. In the end, I gotta admit, you're left wanting more because you will feel as if Hell's Gate wasn't explained enough but is that because of poor storytelling or the series just wasting too much time on unappealing characterization. Well, I guess that's what 2nd seasons are for which Darker Than Black has had it's announcement of. Will that explain what we really want to know? Who knows, as it is Darker Than Black is a decent series but don't be surprised if you're left with an empty feeling just because it was spending too much time showing you things that... you just didn't care about, leaving the more interesting parts rushed with no real sense of closure.
*Note - Well I'll be damned, no typos from FUNimation in the subtitles and they stopped using that idiotic angle option of the DVD player. Too bad it's wasted on an average series that doesn't deserve more than a rental.