In the year 2060 robotics technology has advanced far more than anyone had imagined to the point now that cybernetics are now being developed. For fear that this new wave of technology is moving too quickly the U.N. declares a ban on further development until the rest of the world can come to terms with the current state of robotics. However the leader of current robotics technology, Japan, strongly opposes this current turn of events withdraws from the U.N. and isolates itself from the rest of the world and deports all foreigners. While Japan still allows trade with other countries, no one is allowed in or out of the country and has also set up a protective field that blocks all satellite signals. For the next ten years the current state of Japan remains a mystery but when an influx of worldwide banned technologies is discovered in various parts of the U.S. the agency named SWORD is assigns a few select officers to infiltrate Japan and put an end to the mystery of it's isolation. Officer Vexille is one of the few assigned people to the dangerous task.
Reviewer: Endosanity
Vexille is a CGI anime with a different spin on it. It focuses more on storytelling than over the top action which I'm kind of used to with this type of show. It does give us the fair share of gun-fights, explosions, and even high speed chases, but a good portion of the movie is spent delving into the political aspect of future county relations and what could happen if that delicate balance is disrupted. Although the story may seem intriguing the plot seems to sort of drag once you find out what's been happening with Japan for the last ten years, leaving you feeling sort of let down by the overall turn of events. That's not saying it's bad but just ends up being sort of a let down in the overall scope of things leaving you with a movie that just ends up being... okay.
The computer animation is great, the plot is interesting but flaky when looking at the big picture, and the characterization is next to nil giving the viewer an uninspired group of heros, I still recommend this movie. Check it out.
Now an off note, since most of the movie focuses on American soldiers, when listening to the Japanese language and cultural difference influences in the speech it came across as really bizarre and seemed out of place. I say that even though the dubbing is bleh... it just seems to sit better with the whole scenario.
Vexille (trailer)
Recommendation: |Average|