After World War III, the world has become a desolate place save for one nation called Olympus. It's a technological utopian metropolis but it's not without it's fair share of problems. Keeping the peace are E.S.W.A.T. members Deunan Knute, who is one woman you don't want to mess with, and her cyborg partner Briareos. During a hostage rescue mission Briareos is injured from a blast that hospitalizes him leaving Deunan without a partner. To fill Briaros's place a bioroid (genetically engineered human) named Tereus is assigned to her that looks exactly like Briareos did before he became a cyborg. Both are then assigned as security for an International Conference that would put all nations' satellites under Olympus' control however by doing so the technology that's used to protect humanity now becomes the tool to destroy it.
Reviewer: Endosanity
Appleseed: Ex Machina is a CGI sci-fi action flick from producer John Woo and I'll tell you right up front, he does not disappoint the masses. From the highly detailed computer animation to the magnificently choreographed gun fights Ex Machina is a thrill ride from start to finish that barely gives you a chance to catch you breath before the barrage of bullets starts flying again. With it's highly original depiction of a futuristic utopia to the intriguing but not overly complicated plot and it's cast of hardcore action heros this is one movie that is very easy to enjoy and will appeal to you even if you're not a fan of CGI. However, Ex Machina is a sequel to the 2004 movie Appleseed so you're not going to get alot in the way of character depth for Deunan or Briareos but in all honesty... you won't miss it as you don't even need to see Appleseed to enjoy Ex Machina as a stand alone movie. Simply put, you'll be so caught up watching these two kick ass and take names, that worrying about their past will be the last thing on your mind. Luckily, Ex Machina doesn't rely on action alone as it has a fairly decent plot that may be a bit typical but works extremely well in not burdening the viewer to have to think very hard so as the plot can be enjoyed along with the action and characters in equal doses.
Highly recommended even if you have or haven't seen the original Appleseed, it's still one remarkable movie and one hell of a great time.
Appleseed: Ex Machina (trailer)
Recommendation: |High|