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After the death of her father, Maya Kumashiro is appointed headmistress of Waldstein Academy to take over the job that he once held. The only thing is that Waldstein Academy is a school dedicated to the study of the occult... which she despises. She reluctantly assumes her role as the headmistress and also a student with the intention to destroy the school by superseding her fathers position. However, when she is visited by a time travelling agent that warns her of a forthcoming apocalypse, she puts her plans on hold until she can prevent the events as foretold in the Nostradamus Prophecy. Maybe Maya doesn't hate the occult all that much.
Reviewer: Endosanity
Number of episodes watched: 13
The first thing I noticed is that when Occult Academy started, it didn't try very hard to capture my attention. In the first episode you're introduced to a very irritable Maya attending her fathers funeral. Although it's evident she doesn't want to be there, Occult Academy decides to kick things off by having a his final audio recording accidentally summon a demon that possess him and his dead body rises, floats around, and starts causing chaos all over the school. Now, doesn't this sound a little familiar at all? Evil Dead anyone? While some may think that this is an homage to some old school horror, to me it shows a lack of originality and ultimately... it's kind of stupid. Although this is the event that starts to being Maya back into the world of the occult, what follows in later episodes is even less eventful.
Now, bringing in a time traveller, named Bunmei, that forewarns the destruction of Earth in the future was sort of a saving grace in the earlier episodes. But Occult Academy does practically nothing with this angle on the story. Instead, this anime just keeps screwing around with having Maya and Bunmei fighting all these lesser, and not very interesting, creatures like an over-sized moth or goblins. Occult Academy goes along with this 'monster-of-the-week' presentation with each episode ending with Bunmei saying that they didn't find the Nostradamus Key which is rumored to be able to save Earth from it's impending doom. Stringing you along from episode to episode you'll realize, nothing is happening and as a matter of fact what you watch has very little to do with being related to the occult. It's not until the tenth episode where any plot Occult Academy has begins to show itself in the form of a witch that wants to kill Maya, detroy the Academy, and take over the world. Everything up to this point is just fluff and could barely hold my attention and it all concludes with an ending that can only be described as beyond stupid that will have you asking yourself, "What in the hell was that all about"?
The animation itself diverges from the classic style we are all used to and the characters are presented well with no stone unturned, even Bunmei's mysterious past is brought full circle. And sure, Maya is smokin' hot, but that's just not enough to go on with Occult Academy as this anime can't tell a decent story for the supernatural genre it wants to fit into. Instead, it holds about as many surprises as someone putting a sheet over their head in an attempt to look like a ghost and saying "Boo"! If you decide not to watch this anime you won't be missing much with this turd.
Occult Academy (opening)
Recommendation: |Very Low|
From: Crunchyroll
Media type: Internet streaming
Languages: Japanese
Subtitles: English
Watch it for free at Crunchroll: Occult Academy
27 year old Koshiro Saeki has just broken up with his girlfriend but he doesn't seem to be overly depressed about it. As a matter of fact it seems to have put him into an emotional hardshell that he has no intention of breaking out of. While exiting from his usual train ride to work he notices a young girl that has dropped her train pass and before she gets away he is able to catch her and returns it. She introduces herself as Nanoka and Koshiro starts to find himself strangely intrigued with her. Later that day he sees Nanoka again when he leaves work and decides to give her a pair of amusement park tickets that he received as a gift that he's been trying to give away all day. Nanoka accepts on the terms that he goes with her, with nothing better to do Koshiro agrees and what started as a simple way to kill time now has become a date as Koshiro has no problems talking with Nanoka and she tells him everything about her life. When leaving the park Koshiro meets up with his father whom he is moving in with after his recent break up and his father is relieved to see Koshiro has already been introduced to his lost sister... the 15 year old Nanoka who is standing right next to him that he just spent most of his day with.
Reviewer: Endosanity
Number of episodes watched: 13
After Koshiro moves back in with his father and sister, you can pretty much guess what happens after reading the synopsis. The thing with Koi Kaze is that it's a bit different here as no matter how attracted he finds himself being toward his 15 year old sister he keeps fighting a losing battle using any means necessary from locking himself in his room, working massive overtime, ignoring Nanoka, even being verbally abusive to her.
However, Nanoka constantly pushes the issues of always wanting to be around him and do anything to make him smile, even breaking down and flat out saying she's in love with him... this 27 year old Frankenstein looking man that happens to be her brother. With most of the show you won't know whether to be creeped out by this in general or to have Koshiro quit being a brute and accept Nanoka... even though she is his younger sister. In the end I did find myself hoping that everything worked out for Nanoka even though it was sort of hard to get past the fact that her older brother looked like a reformed Swamp Thing.
Koi Kaze has some dated looking animation but it's also unique at the same time because it puts Koshiro and Nanoka in their own little world where you'll find yourself focusing on them and everything else is bleak and uninteresting. Even though you'll find yourself instantly attached to Nanoka you'll find your hatred continue to grow for Koshiro through the episodes and then he will try to redeem himself with the audience towards the end which by that time is almost too late. I liked this type of characterization as it's what carries the series and doesn't rely on a strong plot and it works out overall. I recommend this series not for only for it's story but for the way it makes you question your own method of thinking throughout the series. It's a drama, it's about incest, it's about incest involving a 15 (turned 16 through the course of the show) year old girl whose only source of happiness is her 27 year old brother, if you can get past that... it really is a good show.
Koi Kaze (AMV)
Recommendation: |Above Average|
Media type: DVD
From: Geneon Entertainment
Languages: English;Japanese
Subtitles: English
"You talkin' ta me?"
Joey is your average all American kid. Having to move in with his grandmother after his parents died, Joey spends his most of his free time working and trying to save up for a technologically advances toy robot called Heybo but he knows he'll never be able to afford it with his meager wage. Luckily though Joey happens upon one of the school bullies throwing a Heybo away after it was struck by a car. Not about to let this chance pass him by, Joey takes the broken down toy robot home and repairs it naming it Heroman. The same night that Joey finally gets Heroman the robot fixed there is also a huge thunderstorm that causes a bolt of lightening to hit Joey's house, go through the roof, and strike Heroman. But instead of turning the little guy into a pile of ashes, the lightening changes Heroman into a real robot and imbues him with a multitude of superpowers that Joey now has the controller for. What Joey didn't know is that the massive storm going on was caused by aliens that are about to invade Earth. It's time for Joey and Heroman to step up and become real heros.
Reviewer: Endosanity
Number of episodes watched: 26
Y'know, I was really grasping for words to try an make a synopsis a show where every episode goes a little something like this:
Heroman... ATTACK!!
To be continued...
That's all there is to it. But, let's try take a look at the show a little more in depth. Heroman is the production of Bones animation studio and Marvel Comics' Stan Lee calling it "A new hero for the 21st century" Really? I'm not so sure that a robot that looks like the Michelin Man on steroids is the ideal icon to fit the bill, especially when he's controlled by some kid that you mistake for a girl in the first half of the season. Also, using something like a bolt of lightening to change a toy into a huge robot is far too heavily cliched and just plain cheesy. It's almost like Stan Lee was out of ideas and gave Heroman his powers by picking random options out of a hat.
Other than Heroman's brief and crappy background, the surrounding story isn't all that bad as Heroman kicks off the series with a bang. The first part of the story you get to see is Earth's invasion from hostile alien's summoned by Professor Denton's curiosity of life on other planets. Sending out radio signals into space that attracts the unwanted visitors (looks like somebody's been watching Jimmy Neutron) called the Skrugg which look like a bunch of walking cockroaches. You get to see the humans pathetic attempts to stop the invaders prove to be frivolous but Joey puts Heroman to the test and attacks with superhuman strength and otherworldly power to suppress the hostile insectoids. The thing that makes Heroman a little different is that he doesn't say anything, no lame-ass catch phrases and no holier-than-thou attitude displayed from his controller, Joey... which makes for a damn good team. And even though Joey looks like a shy little girl at first, he starts maturing... character-wise, through the actions that he chooses to have Heroman act upon. That, and the episode where him and Lina go to the beach resolves and doubt I had about Joey's gender.
Luckily, Heroman doesn't focus it's story on having Heroman and Joey destroying aliens but manages to work in other opposing forces such as mad scientists and the government. This is done through subtle plot twists that are set in motion from the very beginning of the show instead of having monster A from planet B just show up and attack in every episode. So, when you think everything has been resolved you realize that a new story is taking place which makes for well paced progression. The only main drawback is Joey's companions as they present themselves as more of a hinderance and their flat and dull screen presence leaves them unnoticable except for Lina and her school cheerleader outfit that she wears... all the time. You can't ignore legs like that!
All in all Heroman is a predictable superhero tale that even follows the usual story progression going from new hero on the block to exiled war veteran and finishing up with being everyone's savior. This is one of the few times where the story itself is on par with the main characters both good and evil and neither overshadows the other. In the end, you can't deny the fact that Heroman has it's own charm and it's still worth checking out.
Heroman (opening)
Recommendation: |Average|From: Crunchyroll
Media type: Internet streaming
Languages: Japanese
Subtitles: English
On the post apocalyptic world of Jerra, Geist, a genetically engineered soldier of death has had his stasis satellite crashland planetside. Geist is part of a project called the Most Dangerous Soldier designed to tip the scales in favor of the Regular Army who is in battle against the rebels of the Nexrum Army in an ongoing civil war. However, the project is a failure and all of the Most Dangerous soldiers became mentally unstable and went on psychotic killing sprees. All of the soldiers were eliminated save for Geist who was far too powerful and was subdued into a space prison. Now Geist is back and ready for the next battle.
Reviewer: Endosanity
Number of episodes watched: 2
Since there is not much to say about these OVAs I'll just cover them in one review. M.D. Geist is a sci-fi action flick, pure and simple. As a matter of fact, the show focuses on action so much that it's hard to pick apart what little plot there is other than watching a show that gives Geist a chance to don cool looking armor and strike poses while avoiding bullets without moving. This is your typical 80's macho man action movie so there really is no characterization or much of a plot other than watching Geist killing anyone in his way being an emotionally devoid machine of death. Geist's quest to constantly be in battle even leads him to accelerate the annihilation of mankind. This is one show that has not aged very well and it's 80's animation doesn't help and what may have been cool back then comes across as extremely cheesy these days. The sequel, Death Force, that was released 10 years later doesn't do much to change the formula with the mindset that the audience wanted more of the same but that prediction couldn't be further from the truth and plays out worse than the original. The only thing I can really give credit to is the fact that this movie uses a psycho as it's protagonist which isn't something that's done regularly but you'll still loathe the guy while watching him destroy mankind. The English track wasn't that bad but I find this hard to recommend as it's presentation is extremely dated that can't even hold onto it's nostalgic roots.
M.D. Geist: Merciless Soldier (AMV)
Recommendation: |Low|
*Note - The license for this was once held by Central Park Media then ADV films but both are now defunct so no media info.
Momo is a shinigami, a god of death leading deceased souls to "the other side". But, unlike other shinigami, she is drabbed in white and tries to ease the suffering of everyone relating to someones death whether they are living or already dead. Such as, conveying messages from the dead to the living. As Momo is helping those in their transition into the afterlife though she can't help but cry in the process because those that are already dead can no longer weep for themselves. With her familiar Daniel, a winged black cat, this is her story of how the god girl of death emotionally affected several people during the end of the journey we call life.
Reviewer: Endosanity
Number of episodes watched: 6
Shinigami no Ballad has a very interesting premise for a series. But, the downside is, that it plays out very slow and very boring for most of the series. Oddly enough, the emotional impact that it boasts falls short in it's delivery which will leave you feeling not overly involved with each person's transition to life after death nor anyone involved with the situation. It doesn't help that Momo, although cute, seems to hold herself at a distance from the audience making her screen presence rather weak and her plight to help those she is involved with rather disjointed and unable to garnish the any real feeling from the viewer. You'll notice that Momo also helps those who are destined for a premature death to remain in the realm of the living but this doesn't provide any additional sustenance to the overall story and what you're left with is an excruciatingly slow paced anime that's practically sleep inducing.
This anime has a whole lot of nothing to offer to the viewer with it's shallow drama and lax characters. While you're watching, you'll feel as if Shinigami no Ballad just didn't even want to achieve it's main goal of gaining the audiences sympathy towards the characters but instead blatantly bores you instead. The animation is decent enough but there is absolutely nothing to back it up and most who will decide to watch this anyway will more than likely lose interest and give up after the first episode making it hard to recommend. Sometimes an anime can have too much of a relaxed atmosphere to it.
Sinigami no Ballad (opening)
Recommendation: |Below Average|
What we start with is your typical drama/romance anime where Haruka Suzumiya has a huge crush on Takayuki Narumi for the longest time. Being a brick-headed guy that he is, he never notices, so one of his outgoing friends Mitsuki Hayase decides that she's had enough of both ot their timidness and sets up a meeting up on a hill where Haruka and Takayuki meet but they have no idea that they've been tricked to see each other. When they see each other they realize that the whole thing was a set-up but Haruka takes a chance and flat out tells Takayuki she's in love with him and has been for the longest time. Surprised, Takayuki has no clue how to respond but agrees to date Haruka anyway and slowly realizes that he really does like being with her and drops the l-bomb on her too. On his way to visit Haruka for a date, Takayuki runs into Misuki and she mentions it's her birthday so being thankful for his setup between him and Haruka he takes a little bit of time to purchase her a gift making him late to his date (typical guy, eh?). Haruka gets worried about Takayuki's tardiness and decides to give him a call however as she steps into the phone booth to make a call the last thing she hears is the squealing of tires from a car that has lost control heading right towards her. Takayuki later learns that while she isn't dead but is in a coma that lasts for three years, Haruka awakens but doesn't realize the passing of time or the changes to peoples lives.
Reviewer: Endosanity
Number of episodes watched: 14
Drama, drama, drama, this series... this series really made me question the human psyche as I just couldn't understand how these four people could put up with each others emotional issues and the uncomfortable situations it puts them in. Now, the characterization itself was great and is presented to the viewer in a straight-forward manner letting you know everyone's stance on life in general and how each others relationship changed and developed over time while Haruka was in a coma. Takayuki goes into a depression after Haruka's accident and Mitsuki constantly stays with him and takes care of him, gives up her dream of becoming an Olympic swimmer then takes on a shit job while Takayuki spends his time wallowing in self-pity and doing nothing else... for over a year. I gotta ask... are people really this stupid? Are you really gonna give up your dream to support some bum that can't get off his own ass (for over a year!) and get a damn job instead of moping around? Seriously, who wants this much drama in their life? I couldn't answer these questions positively and it left me feeling disjointed and mocking the characters rather than understanding their disposition in life and love. I like anime drama but not so much that it show everyone's lack of common sense and that really pulled the series down separating the somewhat decent plot from the irrational characters.
Recommendation? The animation was good and the story was solid but placing a bunch of nonsensical people to play the part will more than likely just have you shaking your head and sighing so I'll say... no, if this sounds like a drama you'd sit through then you're far more understanding than I.
Rumbling Hearts (opening)
Recommendation: |Low|
Media type: DVD
From: FAILimation Undertainment
Languages: English;Japanese
Subtitles: English
Mai and Reo are two girls that love each other very much. But when Reo becomes ill and is bed-ridden, Mai visits her at home and decides to employ some sexual healing to bring her lover back to good health.
Reviewer: Endosanity
Number of episodes watched: 1
Did you really think there would be much of a synopsis for a one episode hentai anime? That's all there really is to it. This little anime basically shows two girls that undeniably love each other and how they express their feelings to each other before, during, and after sex. Now while this might sound boring or lame, I found it to be rather refreshing as not too many hentais (at least the ones I've seen) put this amount of heartfelt verbally expressive passion into it's character relations or sex scenes. The girls not only yell about what they feel when being touched, but also what feelings that they are holding toward each other in their heart while exerting their physical attraction towards each other. This presents some rather emotional muff-diving and melon-licking scenes filled with two good looking adorable girls making alot extremely cute moans and groans as they push each other to the point of ecstasy. This hentai does present a little back story on how Mai and Reo met and also exploits Reo's tsundere attitude alot because fight as she might, she can't stand being away from Mai for very long.
There's really no story here other than giving you a wonderful yuri themed anime with a few short but very passionate sex scenes. If you're a fan of yuri anime like I am, I would say give this show a watch because even though it is a hentai, it has a gentle presentation that shows you that it doesn't need to be hardcore to be erotic.
Recommendation: |fap-fap-fap-fap... oh, uh... High|